Social media is now playing a larger role in SEO (Search Engine Optimization). In the past, the focus on social media was encouraged but not mandatory for online success. This year, with the rising dominance of store apps and the organic search engine results page (SERPs), social media is more important than ever before. As an example, Site Pro News reported in August of 2015, that the social media platform, “Twitter” was promoting tweets in both desktop and mobile search results. Facebook followed, doing the same. Businesses and advertisers are taking notice and now seeing the importance of keeping social media postings relevant and full of great marketing content.
Business owners partnering for online success:
Since most of the world is now shopping online using mobile devices, it is crucial for all businesses to be mobile-friendly. Brick and mortar stores who did not get on board with having a mobile presence in the past, have watched their sales decline over the past two years. Older websites that were not built on a mobile platform began to be weeded out of mobile search results. One by one businesses are adding mobile sites to their sales strategy. Unfortunately, having a mobile site is only the first step. Business owners must also become familiar with SEO and understand how it works to increase search engine visibility. We find that many of our clients feel insecure about writing to increase search results. Whether we encourage blogging or posting on social media, many prefer to hire outside help if their budget allows.
Google study related to social media search results:
A new Google study is reporting that consumers are using mobile search more and more to make purchases. Optimizing SEO by improving social media will lead to higher search engine results in 2016. The cost required to hire a professional writer may be a small price to pay for higher sales. We are suggesting to all of our small and large businesses that they consider adding money to their budget to compensate an SEO technician.
Voice search is coming into relevance:
As we become more comfortable with mobile devices, the voice search method is catching on. It is much easier to ask for information than to type it in a search field. Since texting while driving is very dangerous and has been banned, it is still ok for us to ask for info using the voice method. This has become a convenient and popular choice. Our team feels that the voice search is here to stay and will become more and more prominent in the year ahead.
Professional writers and bloggers will be taking on more responsibility in 2016:
Many professional writers are now offering social media services in 2016, in addition to their blogging chores. They will be keeping social media sites updated for their clients, adding new content to promote marketing and sales. This is a plus for all businesses. We do have a list of professionals in our area and some from around the country as well. Contact us to discuss training and other issues as it relates to social media and how it plays a larger role this year in your continued success. We can also put you in touch with a professional writer in your area.
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Jean Holland-Rose, Chief Creative Officer and SEO Professional