Orlando Website Design talks about Customer Loyalty

Aug 14, 2011

Interacting professionally and fairly with clients is most important.  The articles you post on your website, Facebook and the like should contain details regarding your business, not about your day to day happenings.  A personal Facebook or other social site can be set up for diary entries regarding your friends, lifestye etc.  Make sure your business Facebook account, etc features only articles of interest to your clients.  They are looking for information to help grow their businesses.   They will return to your social sites over and over again if you offer valuable articles of interest. 
 As you accept residual work from your loyal clients, remember they will continue to use your services only if you treat them fairly.  There are plenty of other companies out there that are available if you do not treat your clients with respect and integrity.   Daily Response from  “Jean Holland-Rose” Chief Creative Officer, Inside Design Orlando, an Orlando Website Design Company.
Here are a few things that you should do to get that customer loyalty which will increase your bottom line usng Facebook from   Site Pro News.


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