Step onto the Mobile Website bandwagon like many of our clients. As we build Mobile Sites, we also include the client’s Quick Response Code (better known as the QR Code). Mobile phone users scan the client’s QR Code to quickly load the client’s phone number or website address. The QR Code may be used on all print marketing materials such as business cards, brochures, letterhead, etc. Congratulations to three of our clients and their new Mobile Sites.
Why Have A Mobile Website?

Dr. Kalidas Mobile Website
Your mobile site allows viewers to see your services using less bandwidth when browsing on their phones or mobile devices. Phone users prefer mobile sites because it saves them money, due to the fact that they pay their phone company by how much data is transmitted during web browsing. The mobile site is about 1% of the data compared to standard websites. Search engines will index your mobile website in addition to your standard website. Mobile device users will locate your mobile site on search engines and will identify it by the domain name using the industry standard term “mobi”.

Collina Kids Academy Mobile Site
When you are considering a mobile site, the fact that everyone else has one should not be the deciding factor. If you have a viable website already which is very user friendly and you just want to show off an advertisement occasionally it is best to do that using your “blog” area. According to consumer reports, the average person can come across some 1,000 advertising messages in one day. On a Mobile Site there are no advertisements, only minimal informative content. Mobile Sites (done correctly) allow your viewers to cut through the clutter of a large and content heavy website. It also stops them from having to view a plethera of unwanted ads. When the viewer has less content to consider and has their question answered quickly, this brings about a quicker conversion rate leading to more revenue for your business.

Orlando Cosmetic Surgery Mobile Site
Our mobile sites contain 3 or 4 sections of content, company contact information and a mimimal amount of graphics which allows the site to load quickly. By using the site server the client is already paying for is normally a more cost effective way to go.
Your mobile site can be hosted by your website hosting company at no additional charge.
Using the Mobile Site for One Advertisement or Special Offer
Some mobile sites are created to purvey one message or one offer only and when the offer is no longer valid they take their mobile site offline. This could become pretty expensive if you are paying from $250 to $500 to have the mobile site created to showoff only one advertisement. Your return on investment (ROI) using this method may not be optimized.
Call at 407.405.4877 to inquire about scheduling your new Mobile site.