The answer is yes … but in a different way than in the past. The new method to improve ranking is to use a combination of keywords, known as long tail keywords. This string of words now becomes a searchable term (or phrase). Long tail keywords are useful in page content and for blog articles. This new method is called “semantics”

Keyword Optimization
Staying current with new Google changes:
With all of these constant changes in Google search engine methods, it has become increasingly important for clients managing their own websites to stay updated on these changes. This will save money for business since you’ll be savvy and have no need to hire outside SEO companies who may not be reliable. Look online for websites that offer SEO education and sign up for their updates. Take the time to learn and your brand will enjoy the success you are expecting.
Word strings incorporating keywords:
Since keywords are bolded in search results, the first string of relevant keywords formed into a phrase (long tail keywords) will attract the target audience. Google populates its search results using these keywords that first appear. Other tools such as Yoast for WordPress will help you optimized each individual page of the site. Spend time on each page separately on the site. As you post new articles in the blog archive, consider each new article as a new page in the site.
The value of long tail keywords:
By themselves, an individual keyword will attract very few visitors. However, when you put these individual keywords into a popular phrase used in Google searches, you will gain targeted visitors (keywords linked together to form a search phrase are called long tail keywords. Try to think of keyword phrases rather than a single keyword as you optimize the website. It is also great to add a few of these phrases to social media content. Research word strings which will bring the most visitors to the page and opt for those word strings.
The quality of your content:

Optimization using Keyword phrases
Quality and relevant content:
As always we suggest that you work hard to add only quality content to your website pages and to the blog archive. Educational articles are best and they should be researched thoroughly to make sure they are factual and correct. Stay away from any controversial subjects which you cannot back up with the facts. Keep the content “real” and worth reading. We are all happy that “keyword stuffing” is no longer viable and this stops the bad actors from any attempts to game the system. Sign up for magazines and other articles which offer up to date news and views from other sources. Once in a while it is advisable to hire a “guest blogger” to offer a new perspective to your content. By following through with these suggestions, you will develop your site to be one of authority. This will serve you well into the future.
Jean Holland-Rose is the Chief Creative Officer overseeing brand development and graphic design for Inside Design Orlando. She is also an SEO strategist for many websites nationwide, assisting clients to maximize their online presence through her proven marketing and SEO strategies. She encourages continuing SEO education and is passionate about new smart technologies.
Disclaimer: Although we attempt to keep information accurate, the accuracy of the information provided cannot be guaranteed. All information found online should be researched for accuracy.