Attention-grabbing headlines attract humans and search engines

May 27, 2014

Headline NewsAs you work hard on developing a great title (headline) you want to use as few words as possible. It must be catchy, attention-grabbing and reveal the subject matter. This will draw the reader to the story and they will read all of your well-written article below the headline. The story line must attract both human readers and search engines.
The importance of adding sub-content headlines:
Headlines and sub-content headlines assist in the layout of the page. If you get this right, the chances are very good that the reader will stay to read the entire piece.  If you get this wrong you may find they leave the page to look for more juicy information from another site. Many audiences see  the information to include your regular readers. Your material is read by those searching for specific information related to the subject as well as social news sites, linking visitors, and search engine spiders  (grading the content for listing quality).
Attracting both humans and search engines:
As mentioned above, the goal for any article is to speak to both humans and search engines. We suggest the article headings should be a bit different from the main heading (title) of the article or blog post. This will allow you to integrate more long tail keywords into the article which will broaden the scope of the content. Using action verbs and keywords will make the best use of the reader’s time and bring a higher grade for SEO. To determine relevance, search engines use all the information to include human factors. This develops both a high-ranking as well as keeping the visitor’s attention.
Understanding the searcher’s need for specific information:
Determining what folks are searching for is critical to your marketing success.  They want to know what benefit they will receive from you by becoming a follower of your site, what specials you might offer and if they consider a purchase of your product or service, how are you different from your competitor.  Lower prices will gain some readership but will last only as long as the special pricing lasts.  Going one step further and providing better customer service and a valid guarantee will bring even more loyalty and bring your readers back for more. The bottom line is always providing a product or service that fills a need.  Staying ahead of the competition takes a plan of action and attention to what the market will bear at any time.
Attention-grabbing headlines will attract a new audience.  Keeping them coming back for more will require a specific benefit offered by you alone.
Good luck out there with your marketing efforts.
Staff at Inside Design Orlando
The “Design Wizards”


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