by Developer | Aug 10, 2017 | Attracting the Target Audience, Google Ranking
If there is one thing all SEO individuals know, it is that the Google algorithm SEO ranking methods may change daily or weekly. And to complicate things further, Google rarely confirms updates in their algorithm status. Only two changes have been reported this...
by Developer | Jul 30, 2017 | News
Understanding the growth and evolution of the SEO industry is beneficial for everyone, and is crucial for company marketing campaigns. It is estimated that at least 20 percent of new business can be attributed to online inquiries. The other 80 percent is derived from...
by Developer | Jul 20, 2017 | News
The factors which determine website rank and position in Google are complex. Both quality and quantity is now the basis for high search engine rank. The new Google Algorithm focuses on how much traffic your site is already attracting, and the amount of time users...
by Developer | Jul 12, 2017 | Customer Service, Designer and Client website roles, News
Our multi-media design team has been working with clients around the country since 2001. This year we are enjoying our “sweet sixteen” anniversary. With over 650 websites completed, we have faced many issues and have found that no two projects are the same...
by Developer | Jul 1, 2017 | Contracts for web designers, Good client relationships
A design contract is a must for all small and large businesses. Web developers especially need this to detail the design elements you create for the client as well as a way to protect the client’s investment. It protects both parties, the client and the web...