As a designer of over 600 websites over the past 14 years, we deal with clients on a daily basis answering questions and responding to residual requests for site updates. The top question once the site is published is always this:
How can I get my site higher in the search engines?
No matter how much time we spend with clients, unless they have some understanding of how the search engines work, our job is difficult. Once the new site is published, we provide the client with a FREE training session to answer questions, and to discuss the care and maintenance of the website. This gives them basic SEO information and we encourage them to go further by staying on top of their site statistics, and to learn more about the SEO process. We also suggest hiring a professional to keep the site content fresh and full of great articles worth reading. Months later we’ll find that some of them have not added any new content themselves and they have not checked into hiring a blogger. They have done nothing to keep the site updated. The only thing they know is this … they are not receiving the results they expect.
No matter what the issue, our clients deserve a quick response. Even those that do everything we suggest, will sometimes need our help. Our job does not stop with site design. We become the fall back guys and the ones they call to ask the big questions:
Why am I not getting any traffic? My website seems ineffective. What’s wrong?
Example: A current client asked us why he could not find himself anywhere in the search engines. We knew this was not accurate because he had a good blogger and we had seen many of the blog posts online. His site was progressing nicely and he had a good placement in Google. He was very upset and I asked him what search terms he was using and found out the mistake was his own. He typed site:-lungdoctors into the search field and Google simply gave him the exact results he requested.
Your search – site:-lungdoctors – did not match any documents.
This example proves that even when clients do everything we suggest, they are still not savvy enough sometimes to be careful typing in the search field. They quickly jump to the conclusion it is someone’s fault ….certainly not their own.
Responding to the client in a positive manner:
If the client is happy .. we’re happy. Customer service is crucial to developing and keeping a good relationship after launch. Any question asked should be answered quickly and efficiently. The top complaint that we hear about is from site owners who asked a question to their previous webmaster and did not get a response to their concern. Our clients are not perfect and neither are we. We all strive to become better partners and if that means spending extra time (answering questions) then it will all pay off as they continue to refer us to others and depend upon our guidance into the future. Here is a great quote to leave you with.
“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What’s in it for me?” by Brian Tracy, Author and Motivational Speaker
Happy Mother’s day to all of our wonderful mothers out there.

Orlando Website Design
Jean Holland-Rose is the Chief Creative Officer overseeing brand development and graphic design for Inside Design Orlando. She is also an SEO strategist for many websites nationwide, assisting clients to maximize their online presence through her proven marketing and SEO strategies. She encourages continuing SEO education and is passionate about new smart technologies. Learn more about Jean and the design wizards of InsideDesignOrlando by browsing our website.