Google ranking defines social media and responsive design as the new normal
Google gave plenty of warning to site owners last year that websites should be re-designed and updated to be responsive and mobile friendly. Developing social media accounts and including them in the website hierarchy, such as Instagram, Twitter, etc., is also a new trend that is proving to be valuable for website ranking. A Google news release dated March 13, 2015 is doubling up on this by sending another friendly reminder. The Google giant is now ranking mobile-friendly sites by using a...
Windows Computers gets hit with huge cyber attack on 03/11/15
All of us are on pins and needles as we brace for cyber attacks which are definitely on the rise. On Tuesday, of this week, millions of Windows users around the world experienced a huge cyber attack. The sad reality is that many of our clients are still using Windows products and woke up to this nightmare. Although we have several Windows computers, most of us have changed over to Apple, some time back. We may consider donating our Windows computers to charity. It is just not good business...
Protecting your Word Press site from hackers … Is it possible?
Today was not a great day for one of our clients who woke up to discover that his Word Press site had been hacked. The hacker was able to access the site and change the file permissions in the back end of the site which immediately locked out the legitimate site owner from making any changes to the site. To say he was upset is to put it very lightly. His entire livelihood for several years has been dependent upon the results from his website. Since his site was an older version of Word Press,...