Questions on web design start-ups and other FAQs
Today's blog post is dedicated to new start-ups, SEO and web design. Many of the calls we are receiving in the past month are from smaller start-up companies. We find it unusual for a new start-up company to ask us about SEO (Search engine submission) techniques before finding out about web design, or logo development. We have discovered that many callers are receiving a plethora of calls and emails offering them SEO solutions. Not understanding what SEO is about, and never owning a website,...
How to critique your website to stay competitive in the new year
As we start the new year it is a good idea to go through your website, page by page and make note of anything that should be updated. This includes items which may affect the design and/or the functionality of the site. We recommend that you do this at least once a year to stay competitive and to continue to receive a high traffic pattern. Invest in a great statistics package: If you do not have a statistics package already, it is high time to get one. Some servers offer FREE statistics such...
Responsive design and other trends for 2015
Since almost 1/2 of all americans are using smaller devices to browse for goods and services online, responsive design is now necessary for today's fast-moving marketplace. Because of this, all new designs are both contemporary and timeless, through smart technology. This new trend will represent the company brand well into the future. This is the quality our clients have come to expect. A well-designed, responsive and dynamic site adapts to any platform. This can be a challenge since a web...