

Orlando Web Design continues discussion: Challenges in design

Outdated programing and design techniques: Many older sites were driven by content heavy pages, outdated animation techniques and are not responsive and mobile friendly.  The new site will be developed using today's mobile standards. Additionally, more emphasis is now being placed on larger visuals and more creative and cutting edge graphics. Sites are becoming more visual in nature and call for a  minimalistic in look and feel. Many business owners are putting more thought into the landing...

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Website development in 2014 … big challenges for top design companies

Web development companies today face challenges like never before. New technology and new methods for design keeps us on our toes. Our current clients and new prospective clients are considering a website re-design about every two to three years. The “refresh” they are looking for includes new visuals, graphics and of course, adding the latest functionality.  The talent to deliver must be there if today’s top companies hope to remain solvent and on top of their game. Many web design companies...

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Website Project Planning Session (part two)

As we continue with our website planning session, we turn to developing our visual identity. This includes your professional logo, and other elements which are part of your brand development.  This takes a firm commitment and takes time. It requires learning what customers are looking for, and staying current with new technology which may directly impact your brand effectiveness. Your visual identity: Have you established a logo representing your brand?  If you have not, we suggest hiring a...

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