

New online marketing strategies for the Coronavirus era

Because most of the country is shopping online today, we need to re-think how we are doing business.  We need to come up with new online marketing strategies for the Coronavirus era.  We have plenty of time on our hands and since the Coronavirus could last a few more weeks let's get to it.  Many of our client's companies are suffering and wondering what will be left when they are back up and running (if they are able to snap back).  Many of them will not be able to return. For those companies...

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How small business moves forward after the #COVID-19 pandemic

On everyone's mind, today is how to move forward after the pandemic is over.  Small business has been hit very hard.  But as Americans, we run this economy and our lives.  Small business is the heartbeat of our nation and will survive.  Our clients are our best teachers here at Inside Design Orlando.  They are calling and re-inventing themselves with bold new ideas for their future. Whatever their business was before it is now being re-designed to capture a brand new audience.  We salute all...

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Can business websites survive during this pandemic?

Needless to say, we are all worried about our business websites during this pandemic.  We are all concerned about how our online businesses can survive during this pandemic.  When will this end and how can we once again return to normal.  The main thing we must do is to pay close attention to any guidelines available from medical professionals.  I just spoke to one of my bloggers and she was concerned that she had not heard from some of her clients.  I suggested she just blog as usual. This...

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