

Website technology for the Up-and-Coming Entrepreneur

Website technology for the up-and-coming entrepreneur is always changing to meet consumer needs. As a business owner, you can take advantage of software, systems, and equipment that make life easier for your customers. Although technology is an investment, the right equipment and services can pay for themselves and more. Keep reading for a quick rundown on a few pieces of tech that can enhance your business without bottoming out your bottom line. Online Courses for new startup companies: We’ve...

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DIY Web Design versus Professional Websites (part two)

This is part two of  Orlando Web Design fall specials (DIY Design versus Professional  Design).  The pros and cons are worth reading about as you will make a more informed decision.  There is a lot of advertising today pushing "do it yourself "methods.  These ads claim to magically offer you a  productive and functional website.  Unfortunately, it is always "buyer beware" when it comes to these online ads. For those of you who are a bit savvy with WordPress or other software platforms, many of...

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Orlando web design Fall specials (DIY versus professional design) part one

Alas, we are now in the Fall season of 2019.  This is the time each year that businesses, old and new review their websites.  Should they build a brand new site themselves using a DIY method, re-design their current site or invest in professional design?  This is always the question.  With so many options available it can become a daunting task to make this decision.  We are dedicating these next two blog articles to this dilemma. Website builders versus the WordPress platform: Website...

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