Design features that work in today’s mobile-first world
Before we continue our discussion today on mobile-first design, we would like to make an announcement which is very important to our team. We just found out today that we have won an IAC Award for web design. Receiving this praise is so important for our hard-working professionals here at Inside Design Orlando. It is special to be a part of the design community and we appreciated the opportunity to enter our site for consideration. It is truly an honor to accept this 2019 design award!...
Why go mobile-first for web design this year?
This year we are concentrating on responsive mobile-first design strategy. The reason for this is very simple. The mobile web usage surpassed desktop usage two years ago. Knowing this fact, as a website developer, we made the change to the mobile-first design. Over eighty (80) percent of users today are using their smartphones for shopping. By concentrating on mobile-first we can use some of the same elements for the layout and concept that we use on the responsive design platform. Finding...
How to reach a larger target audience: Mobile-first design (part two)
This post is part two of designing for mobile-first. We're discussing how we can reach more of our target audience. Recently, a marketing study was conducted to determine how visitors reacted to a specific website. Did they have a positive or a negative experience as they viewed the site? Thousands of websites were tested for this study. The final report was clear. Most of the negative comments were all about poor mobile design. This affirms that the mobile-first approach should be the...