

Trend setting ideas for web design in 2019

Staying ahead of other competitors today is not an easy task.  Most companies understand that trendsetters are the ones that stand out and will get the largest marketing share of the online business.  As web designers, we feel your pain and strive to remain competitive in our design methods.  This gives our clients the best opportunity to attract their target audience and grow their ROI (Return On Investment). It is definitely all about survival of the fittest. Logo and branding: Although we...

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Orlando Web Design discusses: Designing for mobile (part one)

Today's post is all about "designing for mobile."  The changing needs of our clients demand that we provide the latest design technology.  One of these new trends is all about "mobile-first" design.  This method provides more functionality within the website platform. Mobile-first means the user will have a great web experience no matter what device they may be using.  Those who are not willing or just not prepared to change from a user interface, (UI Design) to a more mobile design strategy...

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Web design trends and landing page tips that come and go

Design trends come and go.  Today we will be discussing a few landing page tips and design elements.  Some of these design elements stand the test of time.  Others should be avoided since they could harm your SEO efforts.  Our information superhighway has been created by many engineers and programmers to make our web experience what it is today.  Since coming on the scene in 1990, our internet has now become anything you can want or even imagine. A professional website is a must for business...

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