

Fast-loading mobile-friendly websites lead to top SERP Results in Google

A  goal for all business websites this year is to show up on the first page of any Google search. Gaining this top listing in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) will benefit any company. To reach this level, your URL must load quickly to be competitive with others in your field. Google is especially looking at the speed with which your URL loads on mobile devices. This is a top ranking factor and may very well determine the success or failure for your business model. A mobile-friendly...

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Comparing WordPress to WIX for business website design

Trying to decide between WordPress and WIX for a first website or for website re-design is a top consideration for many businesses today.  The answer to this will depend upon your budget, the convenience of one over the other and of course if the website client has plans to promote or develop the site further after it is launched.  We will be discussing this in our blog post today. As we compare WordPress to other platforms such as WIX, W3Techs is reporting that WordPress powers 31.6 of all...

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Fairness in the workplace:  Working with other web design partners

Fairness in the workplace today can be hard to find.  We are all competitive in one form or another and some of us are quick to judge others in our industry.  This is what our blog article is about today.  In the news lately is much about judging others based upon their past behavior. This seems to dominate the news cycle around the country.  As web designers we must be a cut above. We all  depend upon others everyday in our work place.  We are not all to all people and upon occasion we must...

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