

How important are press releases to improve website SEO?

Recent news and views about your specific industry is the life of your website.  Without this you will get no traffic and Google and top search engines consider you “out of business,”  This blog post is to discuss the importance of Press Releases. They can be of help to get your message out.  A press release may provide important keywords and add valuable links for your readership and media.  On the contrary, don't depend too much on only press releases for SEO.  Adding great content regularly...

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Frequent blogging says you are open for business: Website nirvana

Imagine an online experience  which offers an ideal place to shop and buy products or services. This is what we refer to as website nirvana. Great blog articles will help to achieve this by providing content inspired by previous questions from clients. The more organic content we generate, the more popular our site will become. This announces to Google that we are indeed open for business and are a part of the teaching community.  Our frequent blog articles  will get the most traffic and the...

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The wow factor for search engines … what's news?

It is that time of year when we can take new opportunities to give Google what it is looking for.  The "wow" factor for search engines has not changed.  Content is king!  Not just any content however,  Search engines bots are looking for organic content based upon trending news.  The new content must be quality copy created after in-depth research on the topic of interest. It takes time to do this research but it is worth the effort. Many of our clients are still trying to add content on their...

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