

Website hack attacks: The dangers ahead that affect online businesses

Happy holidays Orlando!  As we look forward to the season and a new year we should take steps to secure our websites. Those that would attack websites are increasing with each new year.  The holidays are perfect for these black  hat individuals since we are all busy with holiday chores. These hackers are looking for vulnerabilities in website plugins and in third-party software. Their main objective is to stop you from being able to  manage the website by locking you out and taking over.  Once...

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How to organize and plan a new website: accommodating the target audience

With the new year approaching, we are talking today about the importance of the planning stages of new website design. Reaching your target audience is the goal of every website owner. You have a few precious seconds to capture the attention of those that find your website. It is important to make them feel they belong there. Company website development is a huge part of building your brand and becoming a thought leader. The company website goes a long way in presenting your vision to the...

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"Mobile First" using mobile version of website content to determine SEO rank

Mobile strategy has come a long way in the past year.  We have encouraged all of our website clients to become mobile-friendly and to have their sites re-designed using a mobile platform.  Mobile's command over any digital devices such as mobile phones and tablets is growing in importance. Google will now be conducting an experiment making mobile platforms primary over their desktop versions.  This means that top search engine bots will now be using a mobile-first indexing method. The search...

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