Latest changes to Google algorithms and SERPs
Reported, just recently by Google is their plan to remove ads on the right side of the results page of Google search. This is referred to as the (SERPs). The only exception will be for product ads and social media offerings. Many businesses are upset over this since it disrupts the results of many business owners who utilize ad space on Google. Ads which are less important (as determined by Google) will be pushed further down in the search results. The lower the site ranks, the fewer clicks,...
The importance of unique and original content for SEO
Search engines that determine rank are not looking for information already available on other websites. A must for all web content is original thought. Duplicate copy is not allowed by Google and top search engines. Additionally, copying and pasting information from other websites (plagiarism) is also a big no-no. This method can get your site banned from the web. New content must offer a new perspective and a clear benefit to readers. Since content is still king, the copy must describe the...
Orlando Website Design clients honored for St. Patrick's Day
For the St. Patrick's Day holiday, we are excited to give thanks and to honor some of our website clients. Our latest re-design is for Orlando Ear, Nose and Throat. Dr. Rabaja and his team of extraordinary physicians provide top ENT services in Central Florida. When they requested their old site be updated, their top request was for visitors to find a pleasing and informative platform to ask for services. Their new site is responsive and mobile-friendly and features a great survey feedback...