

Building brand credibility using valid customer referrals

Customer referral letters are among the top tools that we use for credibility online. As we all work hard each day to do our best, the most treasured response we can receive is a testimonial from a client stating that we met and exceeded their expectations as a design company. Client testimonials are especially important for small businesses just getting started. These word of mouth referrals shout to the world that you are reliable and a safe choice to be considered. Other forms...

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Scammers target millions claiming to be Google representatives

The latest scam which is being experienced by millions of users online is the automated or live call from an individual claiming to be a Google representative (which to some sounds legitimate). It is not! Google and their representatives do not place cold calls to advertise their services (automated or otherwise). Google does not call you unless you have requested they call you.  The only exception would be if you are purchasing Google Ad Words and even then, when you call them back, it is...

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Skills needed to become a successful web designer

A modern web designer needs to be an expert in many different fields to be successful. It’s not enough to be artistic and understand color and balance. Today’s designer needs a tool set that encompasses many programming languages, design software, photo software, video methods and formats, browser compatibility, and social media functionality. In this series we discuss in greater detail the scope of these tools. Programming using HTML: HTML stands for "HyperText Markup Language" and is the...

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