Blogging: building an authoritative website

Apr 11, 2023

authoritative websiteThis post will be discussing the purpose of blogging and building an authoritative website. Consistency is key.  An authoritative website is one that has attracted online readers.  They have found this website and the blog articles posted to be interesting and worth reading.  An authoritative website is noticed by industry experts and search engines as well.  We suggest you blog at least twice a month and more if time allows.  Your consistency in blogging will determine your online value to top search engines.

How often should a new post be added?

Make no mistake about it, blogging is the most effective method to build an authoritative website.  Adding one blog article here and there will not do the trick. Further, if you blog a few times and stop suddenly, you will lose any past effort.  The blogging cycle must continue consistently to have any value.   If you stop adding blog articles to your site your visitors and clients will lose confidence.  Respond to any valid comments quickly and professionally.  This feedback from your visitors will offer new ideas for future posts.

Once you have developed the skill of blogging consistently your site will be given a high domain rank.  You’ll then be recognized as a proven provider of high-quality content.  If you find that you have no time in your daily schedule to blog it is a great idea to hire an outside professional for this service.  Contact us for a list of professionals to assist you.

authoritative websiteSearch for a great topic:

Spend time researching topics of interest. Find out what those in your industry find both interesting and educational.  In other words, what is happening in your industry?  The answer to this will help you develop a potential blog topic.  It is most important to provide your readers with only useful information.  Find out what will benefit your reader and use this information as you develop the blog title.  Keep the title of the topic short and to the point.  As you narrow down the topics to consider, be sure to research this blog title through Google and see what others have written regarding your topic.  Your blog article should offer additional information to enhance the educational content already written.  Authoritative websites are full of new information so research is paramount if you want to stand out in the crowd.

Add your expert content:

It is important as you are building an authoritative website to write about what you know and understand.  Stay honest as you are adding content and research any content you are unsure about.  This will go a long way as you build your authoritative website online.  Add up-to-date current news and views on the topic you’re blogging about.  Remember, after the article is published you can always go back and clear up any issues that change or add any new information as it becomes available.  Here are a few tips for success:

  • Original content only
  • Find your niche
  • Be yourself
  • Stay honest
  • Remain transparent

Steps for blogging success:

  • Begin by adding the title for the blog topic you have chosen for your blogging purpose.  It must be a “killer” title that should include keywords (which are known as the hook).  These keywords help to keep the reader interested in the subject matter.
  • Next, write a strong opening paragraph of content and use the title within the paragraph to add more value.  Write using short sentences and short paragraphs for best results.  To gain interest and to get noticed, add bulleted lists.
  • Keep your content uncluttered.  Never use a black background which is hard to read no matter what color the font is.  It is safer to stick to a white background with dark lettering.  Keep in mind that some readers have poor vision.
  • Find out what your specific audience needs to know.  Spend the time necessary to understand your own readers and what might benefit them as you work on your authoritative website.
  • Post consistently.  Never miss a month.  Add at least a 1,000-word post per month.  If you post each week try posting on the same day each week.
  • Write about multiple areas of interest and add different categories to cover individual topics of interest as you work on your blogging purpose.

Popular authoritative websites:

Authoritative websites feature content which is engaging and full of interesting information for the target audience.  These sites allow visitors to share new content easily and encourage comments for improvement.  An authority website features lots of links from other important, relevant websites.  It also helps for your site to be older than other sites.  Older sites do garner higher authority.

Ways to improve your authoritative website:

authoritative website

First of all, there are no known shortcuts to developing your site to one of authority.  This process does not happen quickly and it will require at least a few months to achieve results.  However, there are several ways to help the process go smoothly.  One of the top ways to gain value is through link building. Each link you add must be a valuable link (one which influences people within your industry).  If you are able to contact the website owner and ask for reciprocal links this is even better.  A reciprocal link is when each of you exchanges links back and forth.  This is the most valuable link.

Offering to write articles for others in your industry is also a great way to increase value.  You could also ask other bloggers to write original content for your site as well.  This method is referred to as guest blogging.  You are allowing another writer to offer content on your site.  The more valuable links you add and the more relevant content you add will increase your online value to search engines.  You’ll then become an authoritative website in your industry and enjoy a high rank in the SEPPs (search engine results pages.).

Orlando Website Design News for April 2023:

Congratulations to the staff at Inspired To Independence and also to Dreamscapes Pools and Spas on their new website re-designs.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Stay connected for all things design and programming. Per the many requests last year, we are now available to train our clients to blog successfully.  Call us at 407-405-4877 to inquire about a training schedule.  Have a great April ahead.

Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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