Blogging consistently will boost your website traffic 50%

Aug 24, 2021

How It sounds so simple when we explain site promotion to a new client.  We spend time explaining to them why blogging consistently drives new website business. They are prepared to create new blog posts that are all about their unique industry.  This usually lasts a few weeks and then we notice they just stop writing.  It is easy to make the commitment but hard to follow through.  We understand. Business gets in the way and blogging becomes a real chore if a client has never done this before.  From here they seem to leave their fates to the wind.
Unfortunately, unless the blogging is done regularly and done correctly, using the SEO rules, it will not bring any results at all.  The new website becomes a “big dead zone.”  Some of our clients think that adding a new blog post once in a while will work.  It will not.
Search engines are not people, but software.  The software used by Google and top search engines ranks websites based upon the value and consistency of the content added.  The content added must be relevant and must follow any new search engine algorithms.  Google changes its algorithms, constantly.  Professional bloggers know this and stay in tune with these changes.  This is why these professionals are in such high demand.

Why is blogging consistently so valuable?

Blogging is the best way to boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rank with the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages).  This means you’ll rank higher and be found closer to the top when a customer does an online search.  Blogging helps you to target new longtail keyword phrases, and increases the valuable content Google is looking for.  Each time you add a new blog post, it counts as an additional page added to the site.
More pages and more targeted content mean you’ll be driving more website business your way.  Bogging consistently is the key to your continued online success.  Over time, your business website to be known as an authority website within your community of peers.

Site promotion elements for online success:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • blog content consistency
  • domain age
  • quality backlinks
  • optimized images
  • social media presence
  • user experience

Use the WordPress platform for small businesses:

Adding relevant new blog content consistently will quickly boost your small business site’s profile.  It will also gain favor with your target audience.  We also recommend blogging for e-commerce sites. Developing a consistent plan for blogging will improve your site visibility on top search engines.  This continued action will convert your visitors into “real” buyers, driving new website business in the future   As a website platform, we recommend WordPress.  It is a CMS platform that needs less SEO work than other software platforms.

Blogging methods to avoid:

There are blogging methods that you should avoid.  My number one pet peeve is when my clients are just too lazy to research a topic.  Instead, I find some of them will find content to copy and paste into their blog area.  This is called “plagiarism.”  This practice can quickly get you banned from top search engines.  Each sentence online is given a word string value and search engine bots can easily recognize that the content is not your own, but has been copied from another source.  Avoid this practice if you are looking for top results.  Just remember you would not be happy to learn someone had copied your own original thoughts and comments.  It is only fair that you offer others the same courtesy.  Never plagiarize content from another source!

Use only original and organic material:

Your blog material must be organic and original.  There is false information regarding the right methods for blogging.  Find an article of interest (preferably a news article specific to your industry expertise).  The next step is to completely rewrite the article in an interesting way.  You may certainly link to the news article or any information related.  However, you may not copy and use any article of interest verbatim.  Search engines are looking for “real-time” news and views to pass on as information.  The more interesting organic blog material will be found on the first two pages of Google (just underneath the paid ads).

Finding a proper headline for the blog article:

Deciding on a blog headline (title) can be daunting.  The headline should represent what’s new in your industry.  Keep the blog title short and within about 62 characters in length.  Use phrases that will attract those searching the web.  As your post shows up on major search engines like Google, it will show up as a post title using a small portion of your blog content.  You’ll want to ensure that your blog headline encourages viewers to click.  When they do, they will be able to read the entire article and they will now be on your actual website.  If you have done your job correctly you could turn this visitor into a convert.  In other words, you’ll be converting a visitor into a real buyer.

Do not delete published blog posts:

As you begin to create an original new blog post, WordPress allows you to use the “save draft” button as the post develops.  Once you have completed the blog content, checked the spelling and grammar, and have completed all tasks for SEO it is time to publish the site.  Once the site is published do not delete the post.  The title will remain online until search engines dump their older data and you don’t control that.  If you delete the post content a person searching the web will find your blog title, click it and it will say “page not found.”

What can you do to update a post?

Although it is not good to delete a post once you have published the post you can always “update” the post with new material.  There are times when information related to a specific topic may change and need an update.  Remember, do not delete a post, update the post instead with new content.  We are all familiar with the saying, “pictures are worth a thousand words.”  Telling your story using pictures is always a plus for any blogger. Adding images will enhance the blog content by providing visual appeal.

Blogging goals for each article:

The goal for any blogger is to educate the user about your expertise, and your product or service. Winning them over with your organic and original content will keep them coming back for more.  Your website traffic will convert users into buyers.  Your brand and your website will be trusted and authority-driven.   We purchase goods and services from those we trust.

SEO and site visibility using blogging:

Stay focused on what is going on in your industry,  in “real-time.”  Plan in advance and post your blog articles at least three to four times per month.  Keep all of your blog posts relevant to your target audience. and what is going on in real-time.  Do your due diligence and research topics that are trending for your industry today.  Prepare posts ahead of any holiday schedule.
blogging consistentlyKeep in mind that it takes new sites just published online from three to six months for the search engines to begin picking up your blog articles.  If you have a coupon for Christmas, let your target audience know about it earlier, perhaps in October.  This will ensure your article will be found during the Christmas holiday period.  Blogging consistently, using creative and effective content works best to stay competitive in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Conclusion:  Blogging consistently will boost your Google rank:

Follow the tips discussed in this blog article and develop a blogging plan that works for you. We do have a list of qualified professional bloggers who are available for blogging services.  Each year we conduct several training classes for those wanting to learn correct blogging skills.  Keep in touch for future classes.
Thanks for stopping by and keep us in mind for your next web design project.  Contact the Design Wizards at Inside Design Orlando for anything design, or SEO-related.
Enjoy the new month ahead.
Staff Writer
Jean Holland-Rose


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