Building a better small business website for 2022

Jan 2, 2022

small business websiteYour first impression is a lasting one.  It is important in 2022 to discover the new trends for great design and follow those trends.  Your small business website must be updated and ready for the new year if you expect great things in 2022.  With the new year upon us, it is a perfect time to plan ahead and improve your current website or find the perfect designer to build a better small business website. We welcome first-time entrepreneurs and also accept re-design challenges.  Contact our Design Wizards for 2022 web design prices.

When to re-design a small business website?

If your website design is more than three years old you should consider a new re-design.  Smart technology changes and the Google Algorithm also changes.  The website software ages and this can cause big problems with hacker vulnerabilities.  We encourage an overhaul every three years due to these changes.

Look for web design ideas online:

Every page of your website should be built to bring about a specific result.  It is important to pay attention to not only website functionality, but also decide on great imagery which will bring you that famous “wow factor”  Do your due diligence by researching websites online.  Look for the top updated sites and find what inspires you.  Every business website is different but you can always consider some of the special touches you find that work well with your own individual brand.

Meta tag languageBehind the scenes of your small business site:

The website source code is the programming language referred to as “meta tag content.”    This programming content is found behind the scenes of your small business website.  It is the backend magic needed to boost your site in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).  The importance of adding great meta tags cannot be overstated.  Spend the time to research the best keywords and phrases to add to the backend of each and every page of the site.  This meta language will serve you well in 2022.

How to choose a great domain name:

Choosing the right domain name can make or break any small business website.  The domain name is your home address online.  A great domain name is one that can be easily remembered by your target audience and will help them return over and over again to do business with you.
You could consider choosing the name based upon your own name or your current business name or even choose words that will identify what your product or service is all about.  For example, our domain name is  This is very telling.  Our domain name easily identifies what we do and who we are.  It also contains strong keywords which will benefit us in Google searches.  Our actual business name is “Inside Design Orlando.”  So therefore you could come up with a domain name separate and apart from the actual business name.

How many domains should you consider?

We recommend only one “main” domain name and maybe an additional one if needed.  Don’t go crazy buying a ton of domain names.  The new Google rules require that each domain name that is considered for ranking purposes have its very own website.  This stops those who are trying to game the system by purchasing a load of domains they don’t need.  So don’t waste your time and money searching for domain names you will not need.  The new trend in 2022 is to work smart and choose the best marketing strategies that will benefit your brand moving forward.  Keep it simple is the term we can all embrace.  Learn the new tricks of the trade and stay informed.  We recommend visiting “SiteProNews.”  This website will help our new entrepreneurs get up to speed on the new strategies that can bring the best results.

Attracting new clients for boosting ROI:

To attract new clients to small business websites there are a few tips to follow:

  • We recommend Blue Host for a faster loading site
  • Have your host add an SSL Certificate for security
  • Add meta language to attract SEO bots
  • Optimize all images within the website
  • Put the navigation bar at the top of the page
  • Include contact information on the landing page
  • Build a responsive and user-friendly site
  • Add relevant content to all pages
  • Stick to no more than 300 words per page
  • Add bullets for better clarity and to improve SEO rank
  • Include a few calls to action elements
  • Add social media accounts

OWD Offers Monthly Maintenance Security Plan:

It has been a crazy and long year and we are looking forward to new small business website clients in 2022.  Orlando Website Design is now offering a new maintenance security plan which is proving to be very popular with our current clients.  On a monthly basis we update security patches and plugins, offer continuous security monitoring against brute force attacks and unauthorized login attempts. Additionally, the service creates a backup (offsite) each month and stores new backups.  This helps to prevent loss of data should your server go offline suddenly.  Other benefits include:

  • Monthly Malware Scan (to catch any viruses)
  • Backup of your website and database (including blog articles)
  • Website Performance Check to improve rank
  • Constant maintenance will boost traffic & conversion rate

small business websiteTo keep our many websites optimized and current, we have brought on a new programmer to help with the task.  Contact us if you are interested in a new re-design or in signing up for our great new security maintenance plan.  The cost is $299 for the first year or $29 per month which is a cost-effective way to keep your site safe and secure.

New small business websites in progress for 2022:

We are now working on Altiora Med Spa, Rite Now Mobile Detailing, Reliable Peat, Stallings Security Company, and Brandywine Brokerage.  These new websites will be revealed in the coming days of 2022.  We wish all of our visitors a safe and happy 2022 and hope to work with many of you this year.  Remember that search engine requirements constantly change and you should stay on top of the changes to compete at your top level.
In the next two months, we will be announcing a couple of great new design packages.
Happy New Year!
Small business websites
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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