Building a competitive website from start to finish

Mar 1, 2017

Developing a website to rise above the competition is complicated.  As users browse the web today, they are offered a multitude of choices. Our sites are designed to be competitive websites through teamwork and design expertise. This attention to detail and knowhow, pays off for our clients by attracting the target audience. The overall look and feel of the website will also build brand awareness over time.
Designers must understand and use the three elements that make up great web design.

  • great visual design 
  • dynamic content
  • web usability

The roles of design elements:

The website elements chosen for the design all work together to offer an engaging and complete picture of your brand.  Each design element has its own role within the hierarchy of the website. Supportive elements such as page footers, have only minimal visual importance when compared to the other elements. Those elements that offer valuable content such as body content are more important and thus carry more weight.  Website elements also hold a different role on different pages. As an example, the navigation element on a contact page will hold less value than when it is used on a page consisting of destination choices such as hotel locations.  One offers nothing more than a business location while the other page is designed for accessing additional information.

The website footer and its value in the site hierarchy:

The website footer normally fulfills the same role on all websites.  It is called a “site-map” and is usually located at the bottom of each page of the site. It can also be listed in the menu options. The site map helps the viewer understand, with just a look, how many pages are within the site and which page will offer the information needed. Newer websites this year are featuring an element called a “sticky menu.”   This is a top menu that moves with the viewer from top to bottom as they are scrolling through pages.  In this case, the sticky menu replaces the need for a site-map.

The power of visuals:

A picture is worth a thousand words says it all. Great visuals can add drama and  interest to the site. If you do not have great company images, make  sure the images you choose for the site send the right message. Research each and every images you use to make sure they are not used on other competitive sites.  Images can be purchased and used on the site design, but only if you own the image license.  Not owning the license to display an image, or getting permission from the image owner to use the image is not a good choice and can cause liability issues.

Website usability:

There is nothing worse than to have the website online and have problems with the site’s programming.  If there is a broken link, a form that will not work, or another issue, users will quickly leave the site for a more professional experience. It can’t be said enough that choosing a good designer and programmer is the best way forward.
Programmers understand that Information-rich sites should include a well-designed page hierarchy.  They will make sure the site offers several navigation options. This will be helpful to get the audience to the content they are seeking quickly.

Our conclusion:

As a communication medium, the finished website is dependent on numerous technologies, visual elements and other bells and whistles to become an authority website. Staying up to date with the top design options will keep the site competitive.  Anything less than the best is not going to get you noticed in this challenging environment. Contact our professional design team to learn about cost-effective options for your next project.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great month ahead.
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer and SEO Professional
Inside Design Orlando


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