Happy Memorial Day everyone and thanks for stopping by. Today we will be discussing building a blogging strategy to improve ROI.
As business owners, we all want to know how to be competitive. Getting new information in an up to the minute format such as blogging, will drive new customers your way. First, you will need to develop a good blogging strategy. This will also improve your ROI (Return On Investment). Over time, this well thought out blogging strategy will develop the website to be known as an authority website.
Company participation works wonders:
Working as a team will bring top results for those adding blog content to a company blog. Each and every individual can add their own unique personality to blog posts. Assign a different person weekly to prepare the new addition. In this way you will show off different perspectives and the blog will be full of interesting and unusual content. Many companies have discovered that “guest bloggers’ add that special touch. There are professionals online who can be hired for blogging as well. Contact us if you need a referral for a content writer or a professional blogger. We have a list available upon request.
Moving forward you will want to combine this strategy with other online networking tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The one suggestion we give our clients is to keep all website links up to date. This means that if you are presenting a social media account such as Facebook, etc., you should keep them updated with new material. Never sit back and let any link on the site become outdated. If you have no time to keep these social sites up to date, you may consider hiring an outside professional to do this for you. Here are a few advantages that blogging consistently offers:
- Attract search engine bots with new content
- Provides “real-time” news and views
- Builds your online influence
- Drives new buyers to your website
- Advertise monthly specials and promotions
- Keeps your target audience engaged
- Improves brand awareness
- Replaces most media for preferred reading
- Offers education about your specific expertise
Getting your message out:
Keep the information flowing. Keep talking about your brand and building trust through consistent blogging. The content you add should include trending news and views about your unique brand. Sign up for magazines and other informative resources to offer new insights to your readership. Report on news of the day as it relates to your company product or services. This will not only benefit your existing customers, but will reach new potential customers as well.
Build a connection to your target audience:
Blog content will answer any questions or concerns about your brand, its products and services. Blogging is a great vehicle to connect with your visitors and to introduce your brand worldwide. Once you begin to gain followers to your blog posts, your faithful audience can receive your new blog posts automatically by signing up for your RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication).
Why update the site with new content regularly?
Regular updates keep the target audience coming back for more. Additionally, search engines are always looking for new content on websites. If you add no new content, there is no reason for search engines to continue listing your website. Search engines are not people. A search engine is a form of software which scans web for new stuff. If you add no new information you might as well be out of business. You’ll get no notice from search engine bots. We have found that if we stop blogging consistently, our traffic dies. We cannot stress enough to keep the site filled with new content. Blogging accomplishes this goal. However, it is also important to re-fresh the page content at least once a year as well. Most companies have changes throughout the year, adding staff, services and other changes. The website should reflect all of these changes.
How does blogging compare to social media marketing?
New research is reporting that blogging influence outranks social network platforms. According to a current survey, 86% of the top websites blog. Other digital platforms such as social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc., cannot compete with blog content. Blog content rises above all of the competition for high Google rank.
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional