I will start my post today with a famous quote that I learned as a child from author, John Donne (1572 to 1631). This famous quote has inspired me through the years and still holds true today…….No Man Is An Island.” Yep … I suppose you could build your online website business and do all of the marketing and other chores alone. But if you are able to do this, you are a very rare individual.
Very few really successful people have done this alone. Swimming the English Channel is something we might do alone if we were inclined with a swimmers physique. However, when we talk about building an online presence we need marketing individuals, designers and programmers. It is very rare that you find all of those talents in one individual. We are all born with specific skills and our paths intertwine with others along the way.
For an example, consider the talent of Steve Jobs (we all know him from Apple fame). He has touched all of us. Although he started in his garage, as he grew he brought on others to help him develop the company. He was always at the helm and made the top decisions. But at the same time he also realized that by delegating other tasks to persons with unique skills (different from his own skills) could he hope to reach his dream.
And so it is for our businesses as we grow and learn more each day. We look to others who have strengths that we do not possess to help us become all we can be. Whether it is growing our businesses, or growing our website presence, it is all the same. To achieve the highest reward you must allow others to partner with you and offer their excellence as you provide your own. Together (as a team) you will grow to meet the day by day struggles and rise above the competition.
Here is the complete quote:
All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated… No man is an island, entire of itself…any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.”
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Jean Holland-Rose, Chief Creative Officer / Inside Design Orlando
An Orlando Website Design Company since 200
Partner offices in downtown Orlando, Florida (Rise Creative Group) by appointment
Apopka Office (by appointment only). call Paul Rose at 407.405.4877 to schedule consultation.