Happy new year to everyone. Our blog today will be based upon how to build an industry blog and improve your ROI (Return On Investment). This requires a commitment to content marketing. Each blog article is considered a new page by Google. This gives the website owner another chance the site will be found by those searching for goods and services. Topics for blog articles should be centered around trending industry news.
Content is best received when the information educates or informs your target audience. This effort will convince Google that you are relevant and a serious player online.
It is always hard for us (as SEO professionals) to get this fact across to our clients. In the beginning, we have found they just sit and wait for something to magically happen. They love their new website but don’t understand they have to work the site for it to be successful. The company website is the same as any new business. To build the business you must go into the office and work to build the business. Nothing happens without this extra effort. Building an industry blog takes time.
I wish we could all just put up our website and wait for the money to roll in, but that is just not realistic. The search engine giants like Google have no idea who you are or what you have to offer. Without promoting the site through social media, blogging and other means, the site will fall quickly and become obsolete.
ou will be listed online but not on page one or two. Your site may be on page 50 and we all know unless you can get your site into the search results on page one or two, the customers will not look further. They will not take the time to search 50 pages of Google.
Industry news gets the best rank with Google:
The business team should meet and decide who will provide industry updates and news. This content receives the top rank with Google. If no one within the team is capable of any creative writing, then the next choice is to consider hiring an outside professional. SEO content writers and technicians are available. We have a list of available bloggers and you can also find them by searching online. If the site is not promoted properly, the website owner will soon be disappointed in the results. They will feel they did not get any return for their website investment because they are generating “no” business.
The goal of the industry blog:
The industry blog when complete, will be considered an “authority website.” In other words, those searching for your specific service or niche will have to go no further. They will be able to find the answer to any and all questions right from your blog. It means you have built up articles, news and updates on a plethora of topics which are related to their search. This was the initial reason “WebMD” was created. To offer any and all material from one site to followers looking for medical advice. This is the model you should aspire to.
Please contact us for your next blog project. We have “guest bloggers” who are available to post articles on your behalf.
Until next time.
Inside Design Orlando
Staff Writer