Creating Beautiful..One Vision Per Client Please ..Managing Website Expectations!

Sep 30, 2012

What a great challenge we have as developers to bring that one website vision to fruition. We start with the obvious question to each client, do you have a specific theme in mind or do you prefer a specific structure you have seen on line? A client will quickly show us a few sites (sometimes older sites) they have found on line and at the same time let us know unequivocally that we should be sure to create a one of a kind masterpiece just for them.  They have come to us to make their dream a reality.
As Albert Einstein so eloquently put it ….One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality…..
Beauty and function in our eyes is always fluid and changes with new technology. But our efforts must also be tempered with the reality of what today’s standards require. We must stay current in our methods in all fairness to our clients (future and past).  Our style which uses CSS (Cascading Syle Sheeting) for its website language simply describes how to define the presentation of each page and element of the new site.  CSS controls the design characteristic from page to page and offers a functional and well planned out wireframe from which to work.
The amount of imagery and animation which may be used today is quite different from that of a few years ago.  With Responsive Design Strategy being asked for more and more, this can be a slippery slope. Responsive Design requires less graphics and imagery which may not mesh with the vision the client first embraced.  Each and every client needs some TLC. Understanding the process for our clients is very important.  Developing a great working relationship with clients will stop any confusion and misunderstandings as the project progresses.
The client’s expectations must be managed and kept at a level that is real. This is where reality really hits home. They will have to choose between the search engine optimization techniques that will bring the most traffic or cute graphics which will entertain family and friends. This is certainly not to say that each and every site won’t have its own exceptional appeal. Color and the latest and greatest bells and whistles will be suggested as we develop the site.
There is a significant difference between a custom site and “customizing a site.” Wireframe templates are available all over the web in great supply and have become a lucrative business for some designers. Because the custom design takes more time, and may be a bit more costly, many of our peers have gone the route of just selling the same templates over and over again.  This is not our calling.  We prefer to take our time and create one site at a time from scratch to be enjoyed by only one client.
Managing website expectations and developing a great working relationship with our client is our first and most important responsibility. We always hope to have our client use our services for years to come in residual work.  If our best efforts can meet his greatest expectations …we have arrived.  At the end of the day our client will enjoy the real deal …Custom work.
We hope you will ask lots of questions as you meet with your site developer to make sure your special one of a kind vision is realized. Contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss your next project.
Article by:  Jean Holland-Rose,


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