Writing a creative post should begin with topic research. Once you have decided on a blog topic, go online and research the topic to determine the value of what you are going to write about. We also suggest that you visit the library and do some reading on the subject to offer reliable content. Last but certainly not least, spend the time to include your own creative flavor to the finished piece. Be careful to make sure your blog content is your own work, original thought based upon your research.
Answer the following three questions as you begin:
- Is your topic one which will immediately attract readers interested in your product or service?
- Does your blog topic cover ideas and issues currently being discussed in the marketplace?
- Does your blog educate the viewer as well as entertain them?
What is your new audience looking for?
The current online marketplace is filled with browsers looking for answers related to their own unique circumstances. Being pro-active by keeping on top of current information and providing news and views as they relate to the main topic is the key to any successful blog.
How to develop a blog following!
To develop a following you must post content worthy of reading. We refer to this as a “good read.” The blog post will typically contain content, images related to the subject matter, hyperlinks and other media. As you begin to offer useful content regularly, the reader will begin to follow you and they will become a part of your online community. We refer to this as building an “authority website.”
Why add current news links to your blog post and for SEO?
Whatever the topic, you will want to find out if there is any up to the minute news happening now which may relate to your topic. This is a huge plus for your readers. It is also a plus for your search engine optimization efforts. Offering only your own information and blowing your own horn is great, but not as powerful as offering the latest news as well. Search engines (who are not people but software) will give you a higher rank if you add news article links to educate your readership.
How to choose an interesting topic:
It is always best to write about what you know and understand. As a business owner this should be an easy task. Who better than you, understands your business, product or service? Continue to educate your viewer, offering special savings as they are available. To reach a new audience requires planning and research. Be pro-active and always on top of your own specific market. Stay creative to stay in front of your target audience. Enjoy the profits of blogging success.
Article by Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer / SEO Professional