A high conversion rate is the golden grail for website owners and a well-known fact is that if you have a great landing page, you will receive more conversions. First impressions do matter and today’s savvy users expect a pleasing look and feel as they enter the site. Spend time researching other sites and comparing appearance and other elements which make up the landing page. You’ll usually find that the best sites provide a clear headline, a brief description of services offered, a dramatic image and a visitor information form. Other elements which can be considered might be an informative company video, a catchy advertising slogan, social sharing icons to promote the brand, and maybe a capture form for newsletter subscriptions. Additionally, some highly ranked sites include the most current blog post on the landing page as well.
Feedback is crucial to getting it right:

Team critique works best
We use a team approach and get everyone’s feedback regarding the new landing page. It is a big deal to re-design your website home page, and it affects everyone associated with the business. New technology and new methods should be discussed. Discuss with your team, elements that you all feel will work best for your business. Our team has determined that adding a call to action on the home page works wonders. We use one for our own landing page called “free quote.” Choose a call to action element which works best for your service or product.
Ultra simplistic design methods:
Today’s smart designs are very simple, minimalistic and are driven by imagery rather than by content. We suggest about 300 words for the home page and 350 words for other content rich paces. Bullets are great and easily picked up by visiting search engines. Flat design in today’s sites features bold colors to add a dramatic effect for first time visitors. The image chosen for the home page should be dramatic and blend effectively from phone to tablet to computer views.
Add a reply/response estimate form on the landing page:
Clients such as attorneys and other professionals are asking to have a reply/response form added to the landing page for quick response by visitors. Keep this form as brief as possible with only a few fields. Client name, phone number and comment block might be sufficient. Longer reply/response forms with more information fields can be included on the contact page.
Less is more in today’s smart designs:
Adding less will allow the visitor to navigate from page to page easily. Include all necessary elements which will encourage the visitor to convert to an actual “buyer.” Work smart and lesson the complexity of the landing page as much as possible. Keep the landing page design simple and attractive. The end result is to offer the end user a smooth and efficient user experience. This will keep them coming back for more.
In conclusion:
Remember this: If you offer too much page content … the visitor has no reason to call you and develop a relationship with you! You also have no chance to overcome any objection they may have….. The website should be a prelude to your business, an invitation for those visiting to become lifelong customers. Each visit is a chance for a conversion…. develop a killer landing page to attract future success!
Jean Holland-Rose, SEO Professional
Inside Design Orlando