Email and SEO Scams to avoid in 2015

Jan 14, 2015

Stop email scamsOur blog post today is most likely the most important post for the new year. Daily we hear from clients who are bombarded with email and phone solicitations promising them higher SEO rank, better search engine placement and other false SEO offers. We do our very best to warn our clients to avoid these email offers.  First of all, no legitimate companies send out e-mail solicitations.  Unless you have signed up to receive emails from any one specific company beware of all email claims.  Don’t open the email and don’t communicate by email or phone with any of these companies.  Be safe and don’t get burned, delete the email.

What is the trigger to bring these scammers your way?

If you have recently registered a new domain name or if you have just launched a new website, you can expect these vermin to find you and attempt to get your hard-earned money.  They may even ask you to sign a contract or agreement which locks you in for a specified time. Keeping you safe is our mission at Inside Design Orlando, and we go over all of this at every client training session.  Unfortunately, some of these scammers are very convincing and if our clients aren’t very web savvy, they fall quickly for these schemes. Here are some of the targeted sentences which can alert you that you are receiving a scam e-mail.
“We just looked at your site and we see that you need better search engine placement.”
“Our SEO professionals just critiqued your website and we see that your site is not ranking very highly.
We just performed a FREE analysis of your site and we can help with higher search engine placement
These are just a few.  Some are so bold as to simply send you a bill, hoping you’ll pay the amount. Many secretaries (unaware of scams) feel this is a legitimate bill and pay the bill for the company never knowing they have just been scammed. Other black hat scammers offer to submit the site to thousands of search engines and send other false offers to draw you into a contract for monetary purposes.


There is never a reason to hire an outside source for SEO. You can easily submit the site yourself and there is no need to pay anyone to do it for you. Top search engines like Google and Yahoo constantly alter their algorithms to thwart scammers and those that would cheat the system. The truth is that your rank changes from day-to-day and it happens quickly. A great web design and adding relevant content worth reading is the best way forward. For advertising options go directly to
Be forewarned that you can easily be scammed.  Please take the time to read this article regarding SEO Scams from Site Pro News which warns about these scams and how you can avoid becoming a victim.
Let’s all make 2015 a safe and prosperous year ahead.  Contact the Design Wizards at Inside Design Orlando for your next project.
Stay tuned for more next time.
Jean HollandRose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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