Flat design in web development is the latest trend (part one)

May 16, 2015

What is flat design?

Flat web design gives the illusion of three dimensions, and is often referred to as a minimalistic design using simple elements and flat color choices. Flat design is especially suited to the new responsive environment dominated by smart devices today.  Because of this, many developers are now using this method. The flat design interface responds easily to different sized devices and is cross-browser compatible, it loads quickly and efficiently.

Responsive Web Design

Flat Design Methods

We know that design trends come and go it is not a good idea to choose a design method based upon the latest trend. Although flat design is requested by some, other methods such as retro, colorful, illustrative, and corporate design are also just as powerful. Some of these methods can be combined with flat design to offer an edgy look and feel. There is room online for many methods, flat design being one of them.  The method you choose should appeal to your target audience and to deliver your marketing message in the most effective way.
Your web developer can discuss which method might be best for you based upon your brand.  If you begin with flat design you can surely build upon it to mix other elements to enhance the online experience.  Too much of a good thing can get old and combining methods may be just the ticket to a better online look for your business. We all want our websites to be amazing, beautiful and efficient.  There is room for all methods in our ever growing online universe.

Learning flat design methods:

Although many WordPress platforms feature flat design, custom work does require additional programming knowledge. You should ask your developer if they offer custom flat design. Most designers who are proficient with CSS (Cascading Style Sheeting) and Responsive programming will offer flat design.
The following website sample (in my humble opinion) is a great example of a flat design done well. It is really clean and easy to navigate.  It uses a combination of methods to bring about the overall pleasing experience. The developer used a one page parallax method where the background images move more slowly than the foreground images, This creates a illusion of depth. The website also features flat colors and flat design elements correctly. See the sample here.  Flat design has its advantages and when used along with other methods of design can really improve the end user experience.
Hurry back for more from the Design Wizards.

Jean Holland-Rose is the Chief Creative Officer overseeing brand development and graphic design for Inside Design Orlando. She is also an SEO strategist for many websites nationwide, assisting clients to maximize their online presence through her proven marketing and SEO strategies. She encourages continuing SEO education and is passionate about new smart technologies. Learn more about Jean and the design wizards of InsideDesignOrlando by browsing our website.


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