Website marketing does not start and end with building search engine rankings. It doesn’t depend solely upon how well your site functions, how much you pay for your site, or how great it looks.The website success is a blend of many factors working together, in concert with each other. Effective SEO requires web analytics showing the site’s effectiveness, good ROI (Return On Investment) and using good keyword strategy. We recommend a software for our clients called “Yoast.” This will deliver the online visibility you are looking for.
The effectiveness of any business website is how well you continue to use these techniques to optimize your brand day by day. Keep in mind that the competition is fierce, with thousands of new sites coming on line every day. Continue to stay up to date on any new technology available and use that to your advantage.
Finding your niche market and site usability:
To succeed in the enormous online market today, get to know your niche audience and work daily to remain competitive. If you have existing customers and have saved their data, you will be a step ahead. Take this data and study it to determine their likes and dislikes. Finding out more about your target market and providing them with benefits they are expecting will bring great results.
Additionally, learning to improve the usability of your website will bring big rewards. Website usability defines the ease of use of a website. In other words this refers to how the information on your website is presented. It should be displayed in a concise way which will be easy to read and understand by your visitors.
Guidelines for best SEO:
- Build a great looking site, mobile friendly and functional
- Optimize the site pages and add social media links
- Start blogging and add only relevant and content worth reading
- Improve site usability by adding information in a clear and concise way
- Add Google Analytics to stay on top of site traffic patterns
- Research good SEO techniques (there are many good books available)
- Stay current with new bells and whistles as they are made available
SEO Myths to know and avoid:
SEO is always evolving and changing its algorithms. It is easy to fall for false information. With the amount of information online it is hard to know what to believe. Here are a few myths to keep you in the know:
- First myth: There is a myth which says that the website can be optimized and submitted only once to search engines. This is false Website optimization is an on-going process..
- Second myth: Anyone could get instant SEO results by hiring the right website company or marketing individual. This is also a false belief. This is a journey, not a sprint.
Submitting the site only once:
When your website is launched, it is just the beginning of a long journey. Google has no idea who you are. Google consists of thousands of search engines (software) which scans your site when it is launched. These search engines which are sometimes referred to as “bots” look over the site and attempt to determine just how well your site is optimized. One and done will not work. To build your brand, the strategy must include submitting the site on a regular basis as new information is added.
In other words you can’t just submit your site to a few search engines and call it a day. You must continually make the site better by adding great content, using good marketing techniques and this go a long way in building your brand.
Hiring the right design partner:
One of the first things we tell our clients is that we cannot guarantee site ranking. We can develop a beautiful site and it will be mobile-friendly and responsive. We will add search engine programming and a blog page so they can begin the process of blogging for success. Beware of any web development company who promises high rank. This takes time and commitment on the part of the client. We can point the way but the finish line is there for them to cross.
The website normally attracts about twenty (20) percent of the business, while word of mouth and other marketing solutions will bring in the other eighty 80 percent. Your website is a spoke in the wheel for success. It is not the entire wheel. It takes a great design team and a client who will be willing to do their part to build their brand. And since the business owner knows their business better than anyone, it is right to expect the business owner to play a large part by providing us with good information.
We would love to meet with you to discuss a new start-up site or a new re-design for your current site. We are available to provide training on an hourly basis for those clients interested.
In The News (Design Projects Launched)
Congratulation is in order for Mike at Fractal Innovations and to Teddy at Orlando Luxury Watches. Thanks to both of you for choosing us as your design partners. We were also happy to launch Orlando Psychology Associates this past week. We hope the staff and physician there enjoy their new site.
We wish all of you a happy Mother’s Day and hope you enjoy the day with the entire family.
Ramona J. Holland-Rose
SEO Professional and Chief Creative Officer
Inside Design Orlando