Striking the correct balance between Google versus visitor usability is always the top goal as we develop websites. Making Google happy and satisfying the human visitor is a slippery slope. Our developers know this and work hard to meet both standards as we develop websites. Google algorithms are always changing and staying on top of this environment requires constant vigil. While the visitors to your website are looking for a visual appeal and user-friendly content, Google is expecting much more. Your success is based upon the images favored by humans, and the user-friendly content required by Google and top search engines.
The visual appeal for website pages:
Choosing images to represent the company brand is extremely important in the grand scheme of things. The first thing the visitor will see as they enter the landing page is a killer picture which should capture their interest and blend seamlessly with the site concept. Our team searches long and hard for these first few images to place on the home page.
Each and every image should represent well, the company brand. When considering a royalty free image, the one chosen must be researched to see how many other websites could be using this very sam image. It is best, in our opinion to use a newer image which will make a fresh first impression. As a silent sales person, a great visual can make or break the website. If a company image is chosen for that all important first impression the image should be good quality and capture the target audience (without saying a word).
Content for the website pages to bring the best Google results:
Relevant content is what Google is looking for. Stay current with trending news and views related to your expertise. Periodically, Google updates their algorithm. One of their updates targets those websites that have what is normally known as “keyword stuffing.” This means the site owner has attempted to trick or game the search engines by using too many keywords. This will cause the site to receive a ranking penalty. Google is very savvy and sees quickly if our site owners attempt this tactic. Using long tail keywords are best (this is using several keywords within a phrase) to explain what goods and service you offer. Don’t over do. Keep the keywords to a minimum and write all content in an organic and personable way.
Write in a way that shows your own personality. Use good grammar using normal and natural language, easy to read. Always spell-check your final product before publishing your post article. Having other eyes critique your article will help to catch errors you can easily miss yourself. Here are a few things to look for when the article is ready to be published:
- Does your post article contain the right amount of keywords Google will be looking for?
- If a human visitor should read your article, would they find the content useful and interesting?
Experts tell us we should put the best “eye candy” at the top of the page and the relevant content for Google toward the bottom of the page. Keep the home page content to a minimum of no more than 300 words for best results. Bullets are always a great choice and quickly lets the visitor know “who you are.” Another rule of thumb which works well is to look at your competitors site and compare your keyword density and visual appeal against theirs. Most competitors worth their salt are constantly updating their sites to stay current with smart technology. You should do the same. Work hard to stay relevant and continue improving your website.
Contact our professionals for questions related to any new SEO and Web Design techniques you notice. Re-Design your website every few years to take advantage of new design methods coming into the marketplace.
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Jean Holland-Rose,
Chief Creative Officer and SEO professional