All new website owners are anxious to get new business and have great expectations for quick success. Our job as developers and SEO professionals is not only to develop the site, but to also explain the Search Engine Optimization process honestly and without building up hopes which may be unrealistic. Unfortunately, they have seen online ads which promise the moon and stars.
How to recognize SEO Scams:
Many SEO companies advertise grand schemes to drive traffic to the site. Before turning over your hard-earned money, it is best to check out their credibility. Ask for references of others who have used the service and contact them for reviews. Know what to expect and when to expect it.
Please remember that legitimate SEO companies don’t send email solicitations. If you did not sign up to receive email solicitations, you can consider this email a scam and delete it.
Do not open and don’t forward these scam emails to others in your circle. Here are a few scams you might recognize:
- “I just looked at your website and we can get you better placement.”
- “We performed a free analysis of your website and we can help you”
- “We were browsing your website and noticed your site did not rank well for keywords related to your domain name”
Read more about internet SEO scams from Site Pro News.
Thousands of new websites are being published each day on the internet and all are competing for search engine attention. To keep the expectations reasonable, take the time to research new SEO methods. Using Google’s AdWords and other reputable marketing programs offered by top search engines are safe choices as you begin to build your site credibility. This does take time so be patient and stay educated as you proceed to become a better website owner.
Another method to gain new traffic in a hurry is to hire a professional blogger. This will show the spiders scanning the site, that a pattern is being developed, offering new content regularly. Bloggers partner with their clients to develop content based upon the expertise of the client and building site popularity through creative writing techniques. They concentrate on producing only high quality content worth reading, offering the end-user a benefit and/or ongoing education relating to the product or service. This blogging pattern is very attractive to search engines as they assign a rank, taking into consideration, the new content and the value of the content provided.
High quality content will always earn a higher rank in top search engine listings. As the site continues to offer more and more remarkable content, your site will now be considered an “authority” website. Once you have reached this level, you’ll really have a reason to celebrate!
To find an appropriate blogger for your specific expertise may take some research. Ask your site developer who they use and if they have a list of professionals to locate a blogger who might be a great fit for you. You may also search online for professionals. Be sure to ask for samples of their work and if they have a website, browse for a client list. Choosing a blogger who provides great reviews from other clients is a sure way to locate a professional.
We hope you’ll follow some of our tips to gain better visibility through blogging. Become a thought leader in your industry and provide only content which will help to benefit your brand.
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Jean HollandRose
SEO Professional