The first two months of 2013 saw us welcoming several new clients and publishing 3 new responsive sites. Responsive design is still the top choice for clients requesting design services this year. Website clients are all looking for better mobile usability which is offered by using Responsive programming.
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News for February, 2013: “Responsive Design Strategy.”
With more and more clients asking for Responsive Design Strategy, our developers and designers are faced with new and unusual challenges. More design hours are now needed to produce a usable product since each page will consist of several layouts to adapt to user screen size, mobile devices, tablets, i-pads, etc.
Less graphics and less content is more favorable to responsive programming. Less, allows the site pages to load quickly. The phone view layout will show even less images and graphics. Usability and viewer friendliness is the top concern. Imagery and graphic creation, the look and feel of the site is no longer considered a first concern. The speed in which the viewer can read the site content is now the priority.
How to create a user friendly site that is also beautiful to behold?
We always spend the time necessary to create a beautiful site concept. Some of the newer designs (although very minimalistic) in concept, content and graphics, built to be responsive, are beautiful in their look and overall web appeal.
Designers should make sure (before starting the work) that they have taken into account, all parameters. Padding and margins in each layout will be affected with the new responsive requirements. Pre-planning can keep the design hours to a minimum.
Those clients insisting upon animations should be flexible enough to understand that jQuery does have limitations. Even knowing this, it is chosen now over “Flash” which is still mired in controversy. Flash can no longer be seen on Apple and Mobile devices. At this time, there does not seem to be a great future ahead for “Flash” users. The end may be near.
The objective, at the end of the day, is to produce a useable, functional and visually appealing website. We all try to be prepared to educating clients on the new requirements. This allows them to understand the process and stops any misunderstandings regarding the elements they feel they must have, verses those that are important for a responsive site.
As designers and programmers, we leave our ego at the door when communicating with client issues. Our responsibility is to provide insight and knowledge as best we can and develop a client/designer relationship which will grow as the new website grows. A successful outcome and a happy client is the Golden Grail in our rule book.
Thanks for stopping by and hurry back for more news you can use. Contact us for your next design project.
Happy Valentine’s Day from our office to yours!
Article by Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer / SEO