Holiday email campaign strategies for business websites

Dec 15, 2017

Tis the season to be jolly and if you have a business website to promote, this is your window of opportunity. Millions of us will be searching online for savings and your email campaign strategies will be put to the test. We recommend that all businesses, small and large develop a holiday marketing strategy to capture these holiday shoppers.

Creating a holiday email blast (newsletter to client base)

Many clients know that most online businesses offer holiday savings and begin searching early in the season. We suggest that every website owner should work hard throughout the year developing a list of newsletter subscribers. This list will be used at the holidays to solicit new business. A holiday email newsletter will be sent to all on the list. We feel that Campaign Monitor is the perfect software to use for sending email newsletters.
Over the years, we have been building our Campaign Monitor data base of clients, friends and visitors.  If your site does not allow for newsletter, email subscription sign-up, ask  your developer to add this to the home page.  This will allow anyone interested to add their name and email to your list, as they visit your site. You can also build the list yourself using the excel software.  Use a comma delimited method and then import all information into the Campaign Monitor data base.  You may choose to send campaigns on a monthly or as we do, on a quarterly basis near a holiday.  Campaign Monitor allows you to build as many lists as you wish.
Campaign Monitor has a program where you pay only $5.00 per campaign and one penny per person.  This is hard to beat. Many larger companies such as the YMCA and others use this software as well, and find it reasonably priced for getting information to a large audience.

Holiday feeding frenzy to save money on gift purchases:

It is hard to imagine any better time to attract new business than at Christmas time.  Many clients are hoping to spend some cash they have saved over the past year and putting it to use before tax time.  They are looking through holiday TV ads and of course, social media posts offering a season savings.  Offering a coupon for savings is a popular way to cash in on these customers.  You can focus your email blast on them taking advantage of your great savings by using the coupon offered.
If you are a web designer or a webmaster, your customers will be happy to hear from you occasionally, offering them a savings. We find that sending sales at holidays are the best approach. You could also call this advertisement an “end of the year special.”  This is a big draw for those customers looking forward to the new year. Whatever method you use, we do want to be clear that you should not overdo customer contact. Countless ads can discourage customers rather than build trust.

Your connection with your target audience:

You share a very special connection with your past customers and those following you online. Following the correct marketing methods will encourage your loyal customers to share information with their own circle of friends. This will increase your reach to more folks for holiday savings. The holidays are also the perfect time to thank your customers for their business this year.  Add this to your email newsletters as a warm and personal touch.

Orlando Website Holiday Savings Design Package:

We offer a  cost-effective design package for new entrepreneurs this year and it is available to Christmas Day.  We book design packages each Christmas by offering this great holiday savings. This design package is advertised on the home page of our website.
We book as many as our design time allows and this is normally about 10 new websites.  It consists of a small WordPress design, mobile-friendly and large enough for a new start-up company. This year we are also offering an additional hour of SEO training for first time website owners which is the service asked for most often.
Thanks for stopping by during the holidays. Contact us for anything design and programming.  We look forward to speaking to you directly for any issue or concern.  We also have a great list of bloggers available to blog for your company.  Take advantage of the holiday online savings and we wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday ahead.
Merry Christmas ….
Jean Holland-Rose
Inside Design Orlando


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