Sending out email marketing campaigns have big payoffs for website clients. And we all know that one of the most popular times to develop an email marketing newsletter is at Christmas. It is the height of the buying season from the day after Thanksgiving through Christmas Day. We suggest Campaign Monitor as a tool to use while preparing your holiday newsletters. It is a straightforward email marketing tool for business.
As important as preparing and publishing your email campaign, is following up and monitoring the progress. Once the email campaign has been sent to a target audience, the information you receive from those receiving the newsletter by email will be helpful in the future. You’ll be able to use this information to improve your brand and to determine what works and what does not work.
Enhancing the email marketing campaign:
Most email campaign software comes with automation tools and graphic elements for enhancing messaging. If you need to provide your own imagery, we recommend setting up an account with Getty Images. If you feel you need image editing software, there are some “free” software available online. Including in your holiday newsletter be sure to add a link to your website. This will direct the audience to browse your site for special savings and other products they might find beneficial. Using these tools will allow you to turn visitors into buyers.
The importance of customer interaction:
Along with social media marketing, you will find there are many examples of email marketing methods. Using this software allows you to interact with those that are looking for your specific product or service. This method of marketing tends to be much faster as compared to other marketing solutions. This customer interaction is crucial as you build your brand. You can also reach customers throughout the world and your investment is very minimal. Creating beautiful and memorable email newsletters will always be a win-win for business when the holidays roll around.
Adding a signup feature to your website:
Never let a great email from a future client go to waste! By adding a “sign-up” feature on the home page of your website you allow visitors to ask to receive your email marketing newsletters. This sends them an alert when you have savings and special pricing around the holidays.
You can also add emails (one at a time) yourself into your database of users to build a list to use each time you publish a new campaign. If you are using Campaign Monitor the cost is very little, a few pennies per client. For example, Christmas cards can be expensive if you have a large base of clients. Sending a holiday newsletter is much more cost-effective and gets the job done. Your clients will appreciate being remembered and your company will reap the rewards.
Don’t overdo and plan ahead:
With the pandemic this year we have all been under more stress than usual. Therefore we recommend that you avoid sending too many email marketing campaigns. Plan ahead and deliver the newsletters only on special holidays. Your past clients will come to expect a note from you in the form of the newsletter. You can share new products and offer something special to save money. Additionally, you can remind them to keep their websites up to date. Technology is constantly changing and all websites should be redesigned every three to five years. This will bring you (as a business owner and web designer) much additional work throughout the year.
Conclusion for email marketing campaigns:
This is exactly the time of year to get started. Create your holiday masterpiece and send it to all of your clients and those that have given you their email addresses. Use it to send a holiday greeting and of course make sure you include a benefit to anyone receiving the campaign newsletter. No one wants to receive an email that does not offer something wonderful. Give them that something wonderful this Christmas! It might just include a brand new website for the new year. From all of us to all of you. Have a happy holiday season.
Inside Design Orlando News:
Congratulations to Lake Mary Chiropractic Center. We have just launched their beautiful new website which you can see on our home page. They are listed as our website of the month. Their new site is featuring many new bells and whistles and includes a “chat” feature.
Contact us ASAP to discuss your next great design project.
Quote for the season:
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year. I will live in the past, the present, and the future. The spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. by Charles Dickens
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional