An often overlooked method for creating additional revenue is the email campaign. Whether you use Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor or other email blast platforms, you should take advantage of this easy and quick way to build future income. The success depends upon staying in contact with your clients and building your list of email subscribers.
Sending out weekly or monthly online newsletters or mailings is a great way to solidify the trust relationship and build your credibility. Attract new customers and improive your residual earnings through email marketing.
If you’re a photographer and you’ve just shot a wedding there is a chance the wedding client found you from your website ….you can tap into future needs by offering photography to their friends and family. Offer a first anniversary portrait, a new baby album of photos, etc.
Your residual income will grow with this client through the years and bring in more clients through your continual contact with the client. This holds true for most businesses, no matter what you’re expertise may be.
As web designers and programmers we understand the potential of residual work. Technology is constantly changing and when a client first builds their site, many bells and whistles are not available. Or, the client may have chosen to forego an element in favor of another due to budget restraints. Mobile sites for instance is something that is normally considered further down the road, as the client lives with their website and wants more visibility and faster download speed for mobile users. As time goes by, they will be especially grateful for your email newsletters showing off all of the new elements available (with special pricing) to enhance their sites and to raise the level of their success.
You’ve already built trust by providing a service to your current clients. Why not continue to build residual income by offering more as you grow your company and more products or services are available which might be beneficial to your clients? Free offers and special pricing on goods and services is a popular way to attract new business. As you continue to email your subscribers they will look for specials available and will not be afraid to order from you or request services since they have already purchased something from you.
They may not take advantage of the first offer but if you continue to send information and develop a relationship with your client, when they are ready to purchase, you will (of course) be the first choice. Let your subscribers know you’re still in business. If you do not tap into this market just remember, there is someone waiting in the wings to do just that.
Step and be wowed!!
Jean Holland-Rose (Chief Creative Officer) Orlando Website Design