How important is user experience for business websites?

Jul 18, 2018

Online success does not depend solely upon the site design.  It takes more than search engine optimization, marketing strategy or social media connections.  These are some of the elements required.  However, your success is a bit more complicated.  Your website needs to offer a great “user experience.”  It is sometimes referred to as the UX experience. This will change the face of your business and  define how well the website engages with customers. Today we will be discussing your user experience and how this will improve your online brand.

What is user experience all about?

It is all about getting your visitors to your site to take a specific action.  Isn’t this the goal of your business website?   Of course it is.  It is the reason we chose to have an online presence in the first place.  Our goal  is to generate new traffic to our site and to convert that traffic into actual buyers.  Thus, improving our user experience will improve conversion rate, increase sales, and in turn, provide more marketing opportunities.
Below are a few things that help your site improve the user experience.  One of these is to add Google Analytics to your site.

User experience needs several key ingredients:

  • An up to date navigation system
  • A well-optimized site (SEO)
  • Add Google Analytics
  • The right marketing message
  • Appropriate and relevant page content
  • A consistent blogging history
  • Social media involvement
  • Good design methods
  • Great visuals
  • Browser compatibility
  • Call to action elements
  • Reciprocal linking strategy

This user experience helps the visitor to navigate through your website and to quickly and efficiently find answers. It will educate them on what you have to offer and how it might benefit them.  We explain to our clients at our first meeting with them that a beautifully designed site touches visitors both emotionally and  intellectually.  Additionally, we explain to them that the end user is expecting an integrated and comprehensive design, focused on user experience. Getting your site to this level will take work and commitment.

Influencing visitors to make a purchase:

You have only a few seconds to convince a visitor to stay on the site and to actually buy your product or use your service.  This small window of opportunity to influence customers makes all the difference as to whether you succeed or fail.  Visitors are expecting a seamless, digital experience with the right message to gain their business. Your first message on the landing page is crucial.  Most of us are good writers but to be a marketing strategist it takes special knowledge and a creative mind as well.  The money you spend on an outside professional is well-spent.  The return on this investment is evident as your bottom line increases.

After the site is designed and published:

This thought process will determine the outcome of the finished product.  But it doesn’t stop once the site is designed.  As a site owner, you also must take the responsibility to continue to grow your brand, and to continue promoting your website on an ongoing basis.  A beautiful site (never touched again) is no more than a dead zone.  It is beautiful but not interactive.  Coming up with new ideas for interesting content is crucial to site promotion.
This interactivity is what brings the special sauce and the success to you as a business owner.  Never stop making it better.   Add new content and promote your site using other media solutions as well.

How will a better UX (User Experience) help my site?

How well your site functions means everything.  It will determine if your visitors will become real buyers.  A great UX could increase your website’s conversation rate by up to 200% (percent).  These better metrics speak volumes.  Here are a few ideas to stay informed and stay ahead of the competition:
1 Using Google Analytics track the amount of time users spend on the site
2) Check all forms on the site and make sure they are current and easy to complete
3)  Check on how visitors navigate the website (Again use Google Analytics for this)
4)  Ask clients for testimonials and use those to build trust
5) Add an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to the site to help users
6) Determine how many inquires you have for the year and keep a count
7)  Check your load speed and if it is slow … then change servers
8)  Add an SSL Certificate to the site:  End users prefer to shop on a secure site.

Conclusion (User Experience)

After the site is launched and you’ve done your best to work with your designers and cover all the bases for great UX, the next step is to follow up frequently with updates and other methods to stay in line with smart technology.  Going forward you will no doubt be making changes to the site. You will be adding new elements as they become available.
Stay in the know on new methods which could help your visitors get their information more efficiently.  If they can’t find what they are looking for quickly they will leave the site. Add anything that will help them quickly find answers to their questions. If a plugin or a CTA (Call To Action) element is not working, remove it and replace it with a better choice.
The site’s navigation system should be clear, include all options for information and work seamlessly.  Follow good methods of design and follow-up to realize the success you imagined.  Thank you so much for stopping by and hurry back for more from the design wizards at Inside Design Orlando.
Staff Writer.


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