Strategize using SEO
Counting how often your phone rings, and how often your form gets filled out is the answer to this question. This tells us that visitors to your website are being converted into paying clients … This is referred to as your “site conversion rate.”
1) Make sure your site is programmed correctly and has all meta tags in place. This includes page titles, image key words and other key words placed well within the content of the home page and all consecutive pages. Search Engine Optimization should be a top priority as the site is launched.
2) There are 170 million Facebook users in the United States – nearly half the population. Very few things have that level of participation, except television, radio, and newspapers (and newspapers are dwindling). Don’t ignore this and add a company facebook link to your site and keep the facebook content current. When adding info to the facebook, choose professional content. No one cares about your dinner menu last evening. Create a great original piece explaining why your service should be considered and what perks your company offers.
3) Make sure you have a “blog” on your site and keep the content original and fresh. Write articles that are no less than 100 words and use keywords people will be looking for when searching for services such as yours.
4) Please remember to include a site map of your website. This will make crawling by the web robots easier. In fact some search engine companies like Google may not even consider submissions without sitemaps
5) If you have Constant Contact or other Newsletter software … use it. Create a newsletter announcing sales and new products or services available at least on a quarterly basis. This is the most popular method to keep your loyal clients asking for residual work.
6) Have your site submitted to search engines on a regular basis. You may hire this done or choose to purchase your own search engine submission software. Remember when submitting your website to a search engine company that it will not guarantee that it will be listed immediately. There is also no guarantee that the ranking (position on site) will be high. There are thousands of new websites completed every day so it could take time for your site to be reviewed.
More information regarding search engine submission from “Site Pro”
Search engine submission can be considered a method to market your site and calls for the straightforward submission of a site’s URL to many search engines. This used to be the favored method of getting websites listed. But many search engines presently make use of different ways to seek out webpages. Although this is the case, there are a couple of good reasons why you must do search engine submission for your webpage.
If you have a brand-new web-based business, there is a big possibility that you also got a new webpage to support it. It’s better to submit a website than wait around for it to be noticed by spiders. Submitting your site will enable it to be detected by folks via basic search queries.
The next reason why site submission is a good way to advertise your website involves search engines’ updates: when a search engine is updated and you’ve sent your site’s URL to it, it would generate your website again as part of the search results.