How Linking Popularity Relates to Google Site Ranking

Dec 6, 2012

I am always asked by our new clients to explain what type of links are best to add to their websites.
Linking popularity refers to the quality and the amount of in-bound links associated with your website.  Adding links to your website is one of the tools that can help you with search engine placement.
First of all, we cannot express enough, the importance for you to refrain from adding low quality, unrelated links to your site. These links which have no value, will cause your site to receive a lower ranking and may even ban you from search engines.
Think about each link you add and ask yourself if the link is a high quality link, and if the link is relevant to your product or service.
If the answer is “no” then do not add the link.  Following this suggestion will insure that you add only quality links.
Linking methods are not the only tool that counts as you work on ranking higher in search engines.  However, linking popularity is of great importance so we’ll discuss the two types of linking possibilities.

Two Types of Links:

1) Informational Links:

Example: If you are an attorney, linking government sites is a great choice as long as those sites correspond to your specific law expertise.  Also, consider adding a link to a blog which has similar information as it relates to your genre. These are both examples of informational links.  Bloggers add informational links to keywords as they create an article of interest.  This increases the value of their article.
2) Reciprocal Links:

Example: When you add a link to your site and the other site owner, links back to you this is what is known as a “reciprocal” link.  Google also gives a higher score for a link if it comes from a page with content related to your keywords (in other words, those words associated with what you sell or offer in the form of services).
How many links should I add?

You should add as many quality links as possible. A reciprocal links is worth more than an informational link simply because the other site owner is required to link back to your site. Along with the actual amount of links you have added to the site, the quality of the links are also taken into account by search engines. Due to this, you may find that a site owner with fewer links may have earned a higher placement.
What not to do when adding links:

Do not sell links.  Do not buy links from FFA pages (link directories) or from “Link Farms.” If you engage in this practice, you could get banned from the search engines totally.
You should concentrate on adding only relevant and valuable links. Adding links which do not relate in any manner to your business will not help your site ranking. Further, it may deter the search engines from listing you at all. Quality and not quantity is the best rule of thumb.
We hope you are enjoying our beautiful holiday season.  Thank you for stopping by!
Article by:  Jean Holland-Rose


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