Adding “quality” links to your website pages, and including educational links in your blog content will improve the credibility of your site. Only quality links are considered by search queries. Adding a large amount of links which are not relevant to your product or service will not bring you higher rank. Understanding linking strategy is always the best rule of thumb. Below are few suggestions as you start learning the method.
Using the URL of a web page and low quality words for linking:
Many site owners will simply grab the URL of a web page to add links. They may also take the easy way out and add words such as “click here” or “read more.” This method for linking brings no context to the reader and adds little linking value. Instead, use actual key words associated with the article content behind the link for higher link value, called “breadcrumbs.”
What are breadcrumbs and how they improve SEO ranking?
Breadcrumbs are simply key words, that will identify for search engines and viewers, what content is behind the link. In other words, there is no mystery as to what content you’ll be reading if you follow or click on the link. Breadcrumbs match the search query and are included in algorithmic ranking factors used by top search engines. Understanding this linking strategy has become extremely important.
Types of website links and their value:
Different types of links carry different values. A navigational link simply leads to another page of the site and has less value than an “editorial” link which offers educational content. Banner ads and advertising links have no value for linking popularity. There is more value in a text link as opposed to an image link. However, adding image links over time will bring added value. Many viewers prefer to click on an image which is linked to content and some site owners use images as “call to action” elements as well as using them for “breadcrumbs” to other areas of site content.
Adding Social Media Links:
Adding social media links such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others can help as well. However, remember if you add a social media link to your site you must keep the content current. Not doing so will cause the rank to suffer. We encourage using “share this” buttons to allow viewers to share your content with their own community of followers. If you have no social sites set up, “share buttons” can do the trick.
Association Links and Linking Source:
Reciprocal links are those that link to your site and you reciprocate by linking to their site. In the past this has been encouraged and many site owners got carried away using many links which had no value. The search engine would rather you link to a valuable site containing top quality content.
Be careful in choosing only the best links. You are judged by those you are linked to. Use the linking strategy in a wise way for ranking credibility. Contact Inside Design Orlando for a “free” website evaluation. We look forward to discussing changes to your site which might bring a better result your way.
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Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer (Inside Design Orlando)