How small business moves forward after the #COVID-19 pandemic

Mar 29, 2020

On everyone’s mind, today is how to move forward after the pandemic is over.  Small business has been hit very hard.  But as Americans, we run this economy and our lives.  Small business is the heartbeat of our nation and will survive.  Our clients are our best teachers here at Inside Design Orlando.  They are calling and re-inventing themselves with bold new ideas for their future.
Whatever their business was before it is now being re-designed to capture a brand new audience.  We salute all of you small business entrepreneurs out there thinking out of the box.  It is needed today during our challenge with this invisible enemy, the #COVID-19.  We will survive!
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If your business is one that works only with attracting large groups, it is time to think differently.  What other skills do you possess which would offer you a new direction to pursue?  It is the perfect time to rethink everything.  This virus pandemic has hit everyone in some way and believe me all of us are doing business differently or not at all.
We can just sit by and wait until it is over (whenever that might be).  But many of our clients are looking for opportunities online.  This is a perfect time for you to consider that e-commerce site you may have considered in the past.

Find a need and fill it is key:

No finer words have ever been spoken today for small businesses.  E-Commerce is out front today during this pandemic. There is a need around the country for all types of products with many of us stuck at home.  It is the new normal to be hunkering down at our home and working differently.  We are all browsing the web for food and other items we need to enhance our lives.

Products and services needed in this challenging environment:

  • Clothing items for young and old
  • Kids toys and games for indoor and outdoor use
  • Children’s exercise items which can be used at home
  • Educational items for home school parents
  • New items for our favorite fur babies (our pets)
  • New online college courses offered
  • How-to videos (what is your special skill)?
  • Exercise equipment for home use
  • Music videos and exercise videos for the home
  • Food delivery for quick meals (support your favorite spots)

New careers which can be done virtually:

This is the perfect time for you to consider new ways to profit online.  Many companies are looking for employees and many of these companies allow you to work at home from medical transcription, writing projects and more.  Learn any new skill you had considered before which can be accomplished virtually.

News from Inside Design Orlando:

Congrats to and her staff at the Psychological and Educational Consulting Center of Central Florida.  Their new website was just launched yesterday.  Dr. Krista M. Marchman, Ph.D. and her staff offer psychological solutions to children, adolescents, young adults and their families in crisis.
She has been a loyal client for the past eight years and we value her business very much.  Many of our medical clients are taking this time to revamp and re-design their current sites.

Use this free time to re-invent yourself and move forward:

We are here to discuss any new ideas you might consider.  Please contact us to take advantage of our twenty percent discount for new entrepreneurs and re-design throughout the pandemic.  Remember one thing.  When this is over you will once again go back to the old grind.  But in the meantime, you now suddenly have time to educate yourself and grow in a new direction. It isn’t every day that we are given this free time.
When the pandemic occurred and we found ourselves quarantined to home we were all confused about what to do next.  We are all used to spending time outside of the home and doing whatever we wanted.  Now we must come up with new options to spend our time.  It is not healthy for any of us to sit and feel lost and depressed.
Americans are very resilient and it is our American way to find new ways to survive and prosper.  That’s who we are and who we will be once this passes by.  Many of us looking for companionship while we work at home are considering pet adoptions.  What a great thought to offer a sweet puppy a chance for survival along with us.
Please stay safe out there and follow the guidelines suggested (no matter what age you are).  We implore millennials to act unselfishly and practice social separation to help us all remain safe.  Find an older person to offer your assistance and make a difference.
Move forward safely and contact us for any help we can offer.  Our twenty-percent savings will be available as long as it is needed.  We are all in this together and will do all we can to help our country survive.  We will survive and be better than ever before.
Carpe Diem … “Seize the day”
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional


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