The goal for any online business is to improve ROI (Return On Investment). The best way to do this is to create and publish successful blog articles. It is also a great idea to invite a “guest blogger” to add an article that will bring an entirely new perspective on any topic. Using a fresh, new spin on any topic can entice visitors to share the article with others in their social media circle.
Use only reliable content:
Make sure you publish accept reliable content from reliable sources. As you do your due diligence and research, it is important to avoid any content which cannot be corroborated. Your users must be confident that you are offering information that is true and accurate. This also includes any statistics, graphs, or studies. The content you publish may be used to link back to you giving you extra credit.
False statements or incorrect statistics should never be a part of any blog material. Keep it simple to understand and fully researched for accuracy. Remember that your content may be promoted on other sites so be careful with your words.
Building a loyal audience takes time and consistent effort. If at all possible try to post at least two to three times per month. When you can’t do this consider hiring an outside professional for help or invite a guest blogger. They could help when you are too busy to be consistent.
Another suggestion is to add a sidebar “share this” buttons which allow the visitors to share your content with their social media circle of friends. These buttons are always in view and easy to see on all pages of the website.
Visual experience:
The most successful blog articles are those that are full of eye-catching visuals. Pictures tell a story and help to sell your products and services. Visuals also give a good impression and help to keep visitors engaged. The best way to add attention-grabbing images to the blog is to sign up for an account with an image provider. We recommend Getty Images. If you have only a small budget, there are a few online websites that offer “free” images.
Caution: All images must be royalty-free and please avoid using images copied from other sources. There are websites online where you can purchase for a very small price, great royalty-free images to use in your blog articles.
Showing off your own unique personality:
To increase your reader engagement, you want to let your personality shine throughout your blog content. They will be able to pick up on your passion for the topic and want to share the content with others. The visitors who feel this passion will be more likely to return to read more articles you write. Add articles of interest that are current, trending today, and worth the read. Avoid old news. Stay with the trending news content which will educate your readership. Yesterday’s news is just that …yesterday’s news.
Along with staying current with trending news through blogging regularly, it is also smart to send out newsletters once in a while featuring updates and specials. This interaction with site visitors will keep them coming back for more in the future and of course, will improve your ROI. (Return On Investment).
Social media and blogging:
This year, Social media has matched, and in many cases, surpassed search engines as a method to reach your target audience. This means it is crucial to get your readers from your blog to the social media platform. By sharing your latest blog on a social media platform you are killing two birds with one stone so to speak. Blog content can be shared easily. Connect the two and watch how this works. This method is called cross-promoting your blog posts to social media sites. You may need to promote the blog posts differently on different social media sites. Twitter only allows 140 characters so keep it simple on Twitter. We find that sharing post content on Facebook goes a long way.
Spend the time to develop great blog posts and share with your own circle of friends on social media to build your brand awareness. Facebook normally picks up the first 50 characters before adding a link to the rest of the article so be sure to put your most engaging content upfront on the blog article. Longer post articles are best but strive to improve as you get into a habit of blogging consistently. Stay true to your audience and post only the most valuable and relevant material.
Inside Design Orlando News:
Congratulations to Garrett and the team at Consolidated Waste Systems. They are enjoying their new site and it features all the new bells and whistles for their clients and visitors. A special thanks to our two new companies, Lake Mary Chiropractic and ADaU Engineering for hiring us to develop their new website designs. We will be launching their sites in the next month ahead.
Please contact our design team for your next website project or for your next re-design. We offer several cost-effective design packages. A small design package for a five-page site starts at $795. We also will give you a “free” website critique. Call us at 407-405-4877.
Quote for the week:
If you think good design is expensive you should look at the cost of bad design! by Britto Charette