How the internet of things, loT impacts small business websites

Sep 19, 2017

The internet of things is a phrase meaning internet-enabled devices. This new normal is beginning to change the business service model as we know it.  With this capability, we are able to function without leaving our vehicle, home or office. All of your smart devices will be connected through a single, remotely accessible network.
As an example, your TV,  thermostat and refrigerator might be connected so you could control them as well, through your personal tablet. More and more appliances and other home devices will be specifically designed to join these networks. Interconnected software could include any and all devices, everything from vehicle tracking to public transportation.

Further explanation regarding The internet of things (loT)

The phrase “The internet of Things loT refers to a system of interrelated computing devices, digital machines, etc., objects and people. Everything will be connected through the larger global network.  This capability does not rely on human-to-human or human to computer interactions.
Online banking and other daily functions are already being run by online methods. The internet of things (loT) network is able to transfer data between buildings and anything that connects to the global community. This change brings all products and services to a larger audience bringing this big data mainstream. New revenue streams are becoming online and this is adding value to all companies. This supports services which may have otherwise become obsolete. The internet of things is fast becoming the largest device network globally, bringing more than one trillion to the market by 2019.  Internet users are now exposed to global visibility.

Now, both large and small business can enjoy this new success:

In the past, large enterprises were the main ones that benefited from the internet of things.  This was due to the fact that much of the newer technology was quite expensive.  However, today, as technology is becoming more affordable, small startup businesses are quickly taking advantage of the new technologies. This offers them larger gains in revenue and a larger share of the wealth through worldwide digital connectivity.

What about cloud based applications?

The internet of things will not function without a cloud-based application.  This is the application that interprets and transmits data coming from all other devices. The cloud helps the apps to work anytime and anywhere.

Inventory management is improving:

This new phenomenon of the internet of things will allow you to know where everything is at all times. For an example, to manage inventory today, most companies depend upon a bar code method to track the availability of products.  This tells them when it is time to re-order.  The new method will allow you to print out instantly, lists of inventory, You’ll know instantly where you are with the inventory and you can login anytime for updates. This new system may eliminate the need for employees to handle this most tiresome job of keeping up with inventory.

Tracking data on all devices:

All interconnected devices will be easy to track (visualization software).  You will learn the metrics about your target audience and what they buy most. By understanding their behaviors, you will be on top of all orders and be able to handle it quickly ;and efficiently.  Your business model will improve over time and your revenue stream will increase.

The internet of things and small business website gains:

You will spend less money, expand your inventory and it will all be cost-effective.  What you need will be at your fingertips and service will be speedy and more efficient.

Is there any down side?

The down side of all of this is that your customers will now expect service and delivery in record time so you’ll have to keep on your toes. It is true that there are some businesses that might become obsolete or disappear altogether. The new internet of things may eliminate the need for some businesses that were dependent upon human-to-human interactions. All small business entrepreneurs should be prepared for this change.  Adapt your business and your business websites to embrace the new internet of things.

Inside Design Orlando News and Views:

After experiencing hurricane Irma, here in Central Florida I think we all appreciate the day-to-day enjoyment of our cool homes and offices.  Unfortunately, even now, some here in Central Florida are still waiting for the power to be restored.  Our hearts and our prayers go out to all of those who have suffered and lost so much during this storm.  We are slowly getting back to normal and both of our offices are now open.
We are offering a special savings through the holidays for all of those businesses that are asking for a first business website. Contact us to discuss details.  We look forward to meeting with you and hearing your ideas.  Thanks for stopping by and we look forward to meeting our new clients in the coming weeks.
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer & SEO Professional



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