How to improve global digital marketing strategies for 2017

Feb 4, 2017

The global digital economy offers the strongest potential for developing new revenue in 2017.  Rather than focusing on traditional marketing techniques, business should implement more innovative techniques for global sales. This year, focus not only on blogging and adding quality content to the website, but also work on creating email campaigns which offer real benefits to users. Additionally, look for other outside avenues for marketing such as TV ads and other media resources.
Because blogging is still the top method for building rank online, many are looking to hire outside professionals to write for the website. Money spent to hire content writers is money well-spent. All of us want to get a leg up on our competition. A professional will showcase our product or service. in the best light possible.  If hiring outside is not in the budget, there are many online tutorials to educate the business owner on proper blogging techniques.
We know from past experience that posting regularly to our blog, generates a higher traffic pattern. It also gives us a leg up on the competition and allows us to build a network of followers. This, in turn, will attract the authorities within our niche product or service. When we add a blog post to the website, we are in fact, adding a page to the site and another chance to be found online. Over time,our website will be known as an “authority website.”

Content marketing through an email campaign:

With the right strategy, an email campaign can generate high ROI (Return On Investment). If your audience feels your advertisement offers them a specific benefit, they will take advantage of the savings, and your conversion rate will increase. An email campaign should have a way for viewers to opt-in and it also should sound personal to capture the attention of the potential customer. We do caution you to never overwhelm the target audience by sending too many email campaigns in a short period of time.

The combination of infographic elements and writing:

Blogging regularly can increase consumer following.  Using graphic design elements and using them in a blog post will create an infographic. An infographic is generated when you combine an image with written content. This is very eye-catching and will spruce up the look and feel of the post.  Adding a call to action button to the infographic leading the viewer to another page to learn more is also useful.

Social media advertising online:

Social media was not intended to be a free form of advertising online for companies. Social media was meant to be used to increase the network of relationships over many locations. The goal for social media is not to sell products or services, but to rather engage with visitors, and to build a longterm relationship. After a relationship is created, social media sales are far more effective and visitors can turned into loyal customers.

Using social media rather than website advertising:

In the past year, there were some who were using only social media for advertising online.  Further, some of these social media ads were extremely non-professional in nature. Finally, the search engines cracked down on this practice and stopped listing those ads on top search engines. Today, there are still folks using social media to place ads, but most are getting ignored by search engine bots. Businesses would be wise this year to capitalize on this global opportunity to increase ROI (Return On Investment).  Contact our office to learn more about us.
Thanks for stopping by and we wish all of you a sweet Valentine’s Day ahead.
Hurry back for more next time.
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer and SEO Professional


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