Designing a usable website means more than adding pretty images and graphics. Within a few seconds of arriving on the site, the user should be able to know what you are all about. Bullet points allow the visitor to quickly and efficiently, determine if your services are what they are looking for. The introductory content (including the bullets) on the home page should be short and sweet. About three hundred (300) words are suggested for search engine user-friendly sites. Google has announced that those websites featuring a huge amount of bloated content will receive a lower rank. Additionally, If you add too much content, you risk intimidating the reader who will just leave the site and look for other websites which use the content in a more efficient way. Blue Host has just published a great video which details the five steps you can take to become more relevant and appear higher in search results.
What are users looking for?
Viewers to your site are there to have a question answered and are not going to spend time reading an abnormal amount of text on the home page. Request that they browse the site pages to learn more. You can also provide a brochure by pdf or when they inquire about your services. The website should be a prelude to introduce your business, not a complete dictionary of everything you have ever written about your company. Be careful to not turn your website into an informational online brochure. These sites do not do well and are often passed up for more updated and efficient looking sites. Developing a user-friendly site means less, not more of everything. Keeping the information brief and simple will gain more notice and bring more business your way. The sale is made once you make a connection with the client (not by the website visitor reading bloated text) on your website. Offering too much information will mean the visitor has no reason to contact you and you have no ability to overcome any concerns, nor answer any questions about your product or service.
Preparing your site for smart technology changes:
The first criteria which must be adhered to is to provide your target audience with a mobile-friendly website. Since mobile devices make up the market share of those shopping online, your site must be re-designed using a responsive and mobile platform. If your site is not mobile, you are missing out on the majority of your potential revenue.
Getting your website ready for prime time:
- Re-Design the website for today’s savvy shoppers (become mobile-friendly).
- Change hosting plans and choose a “private server” to improve site load time.
- Keep the navigation options to a minimum. use advanced methods to develop a user-friendly menu.
- Keep the content to a minimum. Use bullets to list services available. Offer the visitor a reason to contact you.
- Add a search feature to help visitors browse the website.
- Keep font sizes large enough for all to read easily.
- Focus website content on customer needs rather than blowing your own horn.
- Display phone number on home page and add a quick response form as well.
- Add social media to the website and keep all accounts current.
Thank you so much for stopping by to share our views on web design. Please visit often and we wish you and yours a happy and safe Halloween.
Jean Holland-Rose is the Chief Creative Officer overseeing brand development and graphic design for Inside Design Orlando. She is also an SEO strategist for many websites nationwide, assisting clients to maximize their online presence through her proven marketing and SEO strategies.