How to write effective web copy in 2022

May 27, 2022

web copyOur blog article today will be about how to write effective web copy and create influence online. You are an original so stick to this notion as you develop web copy.   Write content in a natural way and be yourself.  As you get started, remember that a  great headline is always the first impression of any news article.  Great content writers know this and spend the time needed to develop the best headline for each and every topic.  This method consistently works to keep the interest high.  It also urges the reader to continue and read the entire article to the end.

The goal is to always stay focused on content that will benefit the target audience.  Every year we feature a workshop at our office based on how to write relevant web copy.  Contact our design wizards and we’ll add you to the list and let you know when the next workshop is scheduled.

Using longtail keywords in web copy:

Use as many keywords within phrases to gain SEO value.  These phrases are referred to as “longtail keywords.”  They have higher value with search engine bots and will boost SEO rank.  These longtail keywords consist of a search query of 3-5 words that are specific to what the user is searching for on the internet.  They hold more value than an individual keyword.  Keep it simple and user-friendly.

Explaining user intent:

Users of your website visit for different reasons.  User intent refers to what they are looking for and what information they need before making a purchase.  They want to know they can trust the information they find and can be comfortable with the products and services they find on the site.  They are also searching various sites for offers that will benefit them before converting from a visitor to an actual buyer.  Knowing this you should develop web copy based on the user intent.  In other words, find out who your target audience is, what they are most likely looking for, and produce copy that is solution-based.  Research their education level, likes, and dislikes so you can overcome anything you might have missed.  This will reduce the bounce rate and boost search engine ranking.

Stay positive and avoid negativity:

web copyWhen writing web copy always avoid negative comments and stay positive throughout the article you are producing.  Staying positive will let online users know they can trust your brand.  This thought process will keep customers on the site longer and give you a chance to convert them to buyers.  Use Google Analytics to analyze the web traffic occasionally.  This will tell you how your web copy is performing and will alert you if any changes should be made to your writing style.  Google Analytics also lets you be aware of the web pages that are receiving the most internet traffic.  This will help you to develop the best copy consistently.

What web copy to avoid:

Never, ever copy the content from a competitor’s site.  This is known as plagiarism and will be penalized by search engines.  Be brave enough to be completely original and write your own copy.  Your target audience does not want to read copy from another site.  We are all original and so be original and write your own thoughts and understanding on all subjects presented. Trust me that you will be found out if you attempt to game or trick the system.  This can easily prevent your website from appearing in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).  When this happens you can kiss your chances for success goodbye!.

web copyWhat web copy the search engines look for:

Search engines are looking for a newsworthy item for visitors.  As we have said in the past, the internet was created as an informational tool.  It was not created to run your business.  Therefore it is imperative that you write copy as a news reporter might.  The report on the news of the day.  You should create copy reporting on the news from your specific industry.  What is going on in your industry of expertise?  What news items are trending and what is new.

Publish copy that is worth reading and new to your target audience, even when you are educating them.  Avoid blowing your own horn!  Let your audience know you are focused on them and their needs versus how great you are. Creating good web copy is crucial for any website.  It is the only way to attract visitors and new content must be added consistently.  Otherwise, your site is no more than a dead zone and search engines will pass it by.

Be brave, be bold and be yourself at all times.  This will help you become an authority website and keep users returning for more of your great web copy.  Build your brand the right way.  Use content that is specifically industry-driven and copy that does not come from another entity. We wish you a great online future.  Stay tuned for more next time from the Design Wizards from Orlando Website Design.

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