How your attitude affects your SEO score?

Nov 26, 2017

Google prefers that everyone thinks that SEO is very complicated and too hard to master.  This is far from the truth.  Keeping an upbeat attitude and remaining positive and consistent in learning the tricks of the trade will bring the best results.  We do understand that the information on this subject can be daunting and you can become overwhelmed easily.  Our suggestion is to set aside a few hours per week to read the latest SEO methods. One of the top sites we recommend is “Site Pro News.”  The information on this website is updated regularly and you can find the latest news quickly.

What if you really believe you cannot learn SEO?

If you are intimidated, thinking you must be technical to make any difference, you may consider purchasing online advertisement. Google and most search engines will lead you in this direction. This is because they have a vested interest in attracting your business. Additionally, Google is never going to give up their trade secrets, and advertising on Google can be costly. If your budget allows it is perfectly safe to pay Google to promote your website through online advertisements.

Why is everyone so afraid of SEO?

Since the inception of the internet, there has also been the nerds and so-called professionals telling normal people like you and me that we are too dumb to learn SEO.  They are saying it is much too complicated unless  you have a degree in computer science.  These people are no smarter than you.  They have simply spent the time to learn the ropes and are using their knowledge to prey upon you.  They spend their time trying to convince you to pay them for services you may not need. It is much better to learn the truth about SEO yourself to stay safe from these bad actors.
Learning search engine optimization methods takes time but it saves your pocket-book. Any business today has to face the fact that competition is fierce and understanding the advantages of SEO is really the key to better visibility online. As you begin to learn SEO methods, there are video tutorials online and SEO publications are available as well.
Because Google continually changes their search algorithm criteria, it is important to check the date on all information you are using in your training. You can show up on the first page of Google but you will need to stay informed and keep a positive attitude.  The more you know, the more success you will enjoy.  You will be educating yourself on how the web works, while at the same time-saving money by adding your own organic content.

What content works best?

The content which will bring the best result is news and views which relate to your own specific expertise.  Google and top search engines are looking for trending news articles. Populating your website with this relevant copy will not only improve your brand, but will elevate the value of your website to one of “authority.” Yes, over time your site will be known as an “authority website.” 

How important is your team?

Through the workday we depend upon our team of professionals to bring all measures together for top SEO results.  Our team shares the tasks equally, some focusing on only programming and design, while other team members (our professional bloggers) who make sure there is always fresh and organic content on our website.  We also have a staff member who is charge of sending out quarterly newsletters announcing any specials we have during the year.

Educating our website clients:

I run across clients everyday who are convinced they cannot learn SEO.  As we meet with them for the first design meeting they always ask if we are going to promote their website once we have finished the design and published the site. They are normally surprised to her that the website promotion is their responsibility once the site is published.  There are professional SEO individuals who can be hired on a monthly basis such as content writers and bloggers. They can also pay to promote their site on Google if the budget allows.
We are always looking for great SEO professionals who we feel will help our clients.  If their budget allows for outside help we suggest that first, and offer them a list of professionals to contact.  We also offer an explanation for those clients who want a WordPress DIY (Do It Yourself) website.  These clients must first learn how to operate the WordPress software in order to add content and images.  It is easily learned and WordPress sites are all the rage today.  More business owners are wanting to control their own destiny. WordPress is the perfect vehicle to allow them full content control.


A positive attitude and a can do spirit is needed to achieve SEO success in today’s challenging web environment.  We offer SEO classes several times each year and also suggest that those local business owners might consider attending the next “Word Camp” here in Orlando.   Stay alert and enjoy learning the basics for search engine optimization.  You can achieve your goal.
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t …. you’re right ….  by “Henry Ford.”
Hurry back for more next time from the design wizards at Inside Design Orlando
Jean Holland-Rose
Chief Creative Officer and SEO Professional


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