Search engines that determine rank are not looking for information already available on other websites. A must for all web content is original thought. Duplicate copy is not allowed by Google and top search engines. Additionally, copying and pasting information from other websites (plagiarism) is also a big no-no. This method can get your site banned from the web. New content must offer a new perspective and a clear benefit to readers. Since content is still king, the copy must describe the benefit and value of your product or service. All copy developed and published must stay relevant and unique, to boost your site rank.
Understanding SEO and how the buying experience has changed with mobile devices:
Understanding how SEO affects the bottom line for the company is now important for all entrepreneurs. Making sure that their most current website is mobile-friendly is also important. Check with your webmaster and if your site is not built on a responsive platform, change it ASAP. The savvy shopper today, uses their mobile devices to shop online. In 2016, companies must get on board and get up to speed with the new online opportunities to advertise goods and services. Even social media is now playing a part. We are now seeing ads and special savings on Facebook, and all other social sites.
Start by developing a great home page:
For the home page content, the business owner can begin by developing a short paragraph for an introduction to the business. A few well-constructed, brief bullets will also add to the ease of use for the page. It is not a good idea to simply find other sites similar and provide the same information. Search engines are now very savvy and can quickly see if content has been taken from other websites. Experience shows us that no one knows more about a business than the business owner themselves. To bring a new perspective, consider partnering with a marketing professional. We suggest about 300 words for the home page and about 350 words for other content rich pages. The web is visual, and great images should welcome the visitor to the site. Some great messages can be added to a few changing images for a dramatic flair. Choosing one great image which speaks to your expertise is also a crowd pleaser. The site’s home page (landing page) should be visually stimulating and offer the overview of all services quickly.
Will I improve my SEO rank by hiring a professional content writer?
Although it is not mandatory for you to hire outside help, if your budget allows, it could be the edge you need to get ahead of the competition. Seasoned writers, familiar with both marketing and SEO methods is a huge plus. These writers understand how to keep the reader engaged, while at the same time, continue to stay current with the ever-changing Google algorithms. To save the cost of hiring outside professionals, many companies today are actually realizing the importance of hiring writers to become an actual part of their staff. The look for individuals first and foremost who might be familiar with their own product or service. Next, they search for those writers with SEO experience. In the past, very few companies set aside a marketing budget. Today however, they are realizing that quality content is leading the way to success in 2016.
Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day:
If you’re luck enough to be Irish’re lucky enough.
Best regards,
Jean Holland-Rose
Creative Officer and SEO Professional
Inside Design Orlando